Palo Alto College Schedule/Catalog 2016-2017 [Archived Catalog]
Virtual Administrative Assistant Level 1 Certificate
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A Virtual Administrative Assistant (VAA) is an independent entrepreneur providing administrative, creative, and/or technical services. Utilizing advanced technologyical modes of communication and data delivery, a professional VAA assists clients in his/her area of expertise from his/her own office on a contractual basis.
The VAA certificate prepares the student to work independently, on a contractual basis for private industry, non-profit organizations, and government offices. This program will provide opportunities for students to gain entrepreneurial skills, attitudes, technology skills and related knowledge to adapt to providing office services vitually from their home office.
Graduates may enter the workforce or may continue their education. After some work experience, individuals may also seek additional training and professional credentials to increase their advancement opportunities. Certificates in various related areas cal also be obtained while working toward a degree.
Related Degrees and Certificates
Administrative Assistant, A.A.S.
Ladder Certificates
General Office Level 1 Certificate
Secretarial Assistant Level 1 Certificate
Administrative Assistant Level 1 Certificate
Additional Awards
Bill and Account Collector Level 1 Certificate
Data Entry Technician Level 1 Certificate
Virtual Administrative Assistant Level 1 Certificate