VTHT 1317 - Veterinary Office Management Prerequisites: VTHT 1341 , VTHT 2217 , VTHT 2305 , VTHT 2331
Writing Basic Skills Prerequisite (Fall 2013): ENGL 0301 Reading Basic Skills Prerequisite (Fall 2013): READ 0302 Integrated Reading & Writing Basic Skills Prerequisite (Spring 2014): INRW 0420 Math Basic Skills Prerequisite (Fall 2013): MATH 0301 Math Basic Skills Prerequisite (Spring 2014) MATH 0310 Practical experience in management of the veterinary practice. Emphasis on client relations, record keeping, inventory, employment skills, and computer skills in the veterinary environment.
Semester Hours: (3-2-4)
CIP: 51.0808
Click here for course schedule information.
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