Palo Alto College Schedule/Catalog 2011-2012 [Archived Catalog]
Turfgrass and Golf Course Management, A.A.S.
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The degree and certificate program qualifies the graduate as a turfgrass manager or turfgrass specialist. Employment for graduating students of this program may be available at golf courses, turf farms, parks or recreational facilities. Positions include but are not limited to superintendents of golf courses, or sales representatives of seed or agricultural supply companies.
Advisory Committee
Bruce Burger, The Quarry Golf Club
Carlos Cantu, Jr., Cantu Contracting
Dean Gary, Biz-zz Bee Farms
M. Scott Kelley, Mortellaros Nursery
William Odam, San Antonio ISD
Brad Phillips, Brickman Group
David Rodriguez, Texas Agrilife Extension Service
Richard Thompson, Thompson Landscaping
Charles Wagmiller, Hyatt Hill Country Resort
Degrees and Certificates
Turfgrass & Golf Course Management: Basic Turfgrass Operations Local Certificate
Turfgrass & Golf Course Management: Turfgrass & Golf Course Management Level I Certificate
Turfgrass & Golf Course Management: Landscape & Turfgrass Equipment Technician Level II Certificate
Landscape and Horticultural Science, A.A.S.
Agriculture: Associate of Science, concentration in Agriculture