Palo Alto College Schedule/Catalog 2013-2014 [Archived Catalog]
CHEM 2325 - Organic Chemistry Lecture II Prerequisites: Credit for CHEM 2323 or its equivalent with a grade of “C” or better
Writing Basic Skills Prerequisite (Fall 2013): ENGL 0301 Reading Basic Skills Prerequisite (Fall 2013): READ 0303 Integrated Reading & Writing Basic Skills Prerequisite (Spring 2014): INRW 0420 Math Basic Skills Prerequisite (Fall 2013): MATH 0303 Math Basic Skills Prerequisite (Spring 2014) MATH 0320 A continuation of CHEM 2323 . Covers the reactions and mechanisms of aromatic compounds and compounds with various oxygen and nitrogen containing functional groups. An introduction to the chemistry of biomolecules is also included.
Semester Hours: (3-3-0)
CIP: 40.0504.52 03
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