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  Feb 09, 2025
Palo Alto College Schedule/Catalog 2014-2015 
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Palo Alto College Schedule/Catalog 2014-2015 [Archived Catalog]

Administration, Faculty and Staff


Palo Alto College Administration

R. Michael Flores, Ph.D. President
Elizabeth A. Tanner, M.S. Vice President of Academic Success
Robert Garza, Ph.D. Vice President of Student Success
Beatriz Joseph, Ed.D. Vice President of College Services
Vacant. Dean, Student Success
Larry D. Jackson, M.Ed. Dean, Corporate & Community Education
Ernestina Mesa, M.L.I.S. Dean, Learning Resources
J. Gary Shelman, M.B.A. Dean, Career & Technical Education
Mary-Ellen Jacobs, Ph.D. Dean, Arts & Sciences


Palo Alto College Professional Staff

Robert Aguinaga, B.A. Applications Analyst/Programmer
Cristina Aldrete, B.A. Director, Institutional Advancement, Planning & Development
David Amaya C.N.S.T. LAN Administrator/Engineer
Gerardo Arellano, B.A. Purblic Relations Director
Nora Arredondo, M.A. Advisor, Student Success
Monica Ayala-Jimenez, M.A. Senior Coordinator, Student Success
Natalie Barajas, B.A. Public Information Officer
Christina Barrera, B.A. Senior Advisor, Student Success
Joshua Bayer, A.S. Network Specialist
Katherine Beaumont Doss, M.A. Director, Advising & Student Support Services
Vincent Bosquez, M.B.A. Senior Coordinator, Student Success
Angela Borja, M.S.W. Educational Skills Specialist
Aracely R. Bowling, B.S. Senior Advisor, Student Success
Andrea Cardenas, M.S. Instructional Skills Specialist, Computer Science & Computer Information Systems
Sharon Carson, M.B.A. Director, Workforce Programs Development & Performance
Cody Contreras, A.A.S. Academic Lab Technician, Agriculture/Horticulture
Joseph Coppola, M.A. Director, Instructional Professional Development
Eloisa Cordova, B.A. Advisor, Student Success
Christina Cortez, M.S. Coordinator, Student Success
Christopher R. Delgado, B.S. Director of Information Technology
Leo Diaz, B.S. Technical Trainer IV
Maria Diaz, M.S. Senior Advisor, Student Success
Lamar Duarte, B.A. Director, Student Financial Services
Thomas N. Duncan, A.A.S. LRC Computer/Network Coordinator
Rosita Elizondo, A.A.S. Interim Campus Budget Officer
Dimona Esparza, A.S. IT Senior Digital Media Specialist
Leandro M. Esparza, B.A. Project Coordinator (District)
Danielle Esquivel, B.A.A.S. Senior Advisor, Student Success
Stacy Evans, M.A. Senior Advisor, Student Success
Anna Lisa Fernandez, B.A. Senior Advisor, Student Success
Oscar Fonseca, B.S. Technical Trainer III
Yvonne Forey, B.A. Financial Aid Advisor
Charles Garcia, B.S. Coordinator, Student Success
Antonio Garza, B.A. Writing Academic Program Specialist
Laura Garza, M.A. Program Supervisor
Abel Gonzales, M.Ed. Director, Gateway to College, Title V & Dual Credit
Edward Gildemeister, M.Ed. Science Academic Program Specialist
Briana Hagelgans, B.A.A.S. Senior Advisor, Student Success
Pedro Hinojosa, M.S. Coordinator, Institutional Assessment & Research
Lauren Hoffmann, M.Ed. Advisor, Student Success
Jennifer Huebenthal, B.A. Senior Advisor, Student Success
Leroy Ibarra, B.F.A. IT Senior Digital Media Specialist
Leticia C. Inocencio, M.S. Senior Coordinator, Student Success
Arianna C. Lay, M.Ed. Director, Advising & Student Support Services
Shirley Leija, B.A., M.Ed. Associate Director, Financial Aid
Nicholas Lopez, B.A. Senior Advisor, Upward Bound
Nidia Lopez, B.A. Senior Advisor, Student Success
Rachel Marez, B.S. Associate Director, Student Success
Laurie Medina, B.A. Senior Advisor, Student Success
Rosalicia Medrano, M.B.A. Senior Coordinator, Student Success
Shawn Melendez, B.B.A. Senior Advisor, Student Success
Sarah Misner, B.B.A. Assistant Bursar
Adrian Montoya, B.A. Athletic Director
Amanda T. Morales, B.A. Senior Advisor, Student Success
Cindy Morgan, B.A.A.S. Coordinator, Student Success
Thomas Murguia, M.P.A. Academic Program Coordinator, Learning Labs
Elena Olivo, B.A. Senior Advisor, Student Success
Anthony Perez, B.B.A. Coordinator, Student Success
Mary Ester Perez, B.A.A.S. Continuing Education Specialist, Corporate & Community Education
Tanisha Potter, M.A. Senior Advisor, Student Success
Darlene Price-Johnson, B.A. Math Academic Program Specialist
Joey Quinlan, B.F.A. Technical Director/Auditorium Manager
Diana Rangel, B.B.A. Senior Advisor, Student Success
Alice Regala, B.S. Coordinator, Child Development Center
Yolanda Reyes, B.A. Recruiter/Advisor
Jennifer Rivera, B.A. Senior Advisor, Student Success
Lucila Rodriguez, B.A. Financial Aid Advisor
Sarah C. Rodriguez, B.A. Senior Advisor, Student Success
Maria J. Rogers, M.A. Senior Coordinator, Student Success
David Rutkoski, M.B.A. Director, Workforce Training
Jennifer P. Salmeron, M.A. Career Counselor, Student Success
Diana Sanchez, B.S.O.E. Budget Analyst
Michaela B. Sanchez, M.A. Advisor, Student Success
Tamra Schroeder, B.A.A.S. Education Skills Specialist, Veterinary Technology
Anita C. Soliz, M.S. Senior Coordinator - Student Success
Joanna Saucedo, B.S. Recruiter/Advisor
Andrew Valdez, B.F.A. Senior Digital Media Specialist
Jose Vega, B.A. Senior Advisor, Student Success
Carmen Velasquez, B.A. Director, Student Support Services
Elizabeth Villarreal, M.S. Director, Enrollment Management
Michael Ximenez, M.A. Director, Student Support Services
Dolores Zapata, M.Ed. Continuing Education Specialist, Corporate & Community Education


Alamo Colleges Administrative Staff

Bruce H. Leslie, Ph.D. Chancellor
Jo-Carol Fabianke, Ed.D. Vice Chancellor for Academic Success
Thomas Cleary, Ed.D. Vice Chancellor for Planning, Performance & Information Systems
Adelina Silva, Ph.D. Vice Chancellor for Student Success
Diane Snyder, C.P.A. Vice Chancellor for Finance & Administration
Federico Zaragoza, Ph.D. Vice Chancellor for Economic & Workforce Development
Linda L. Boyer-Owens Associate Vice Chancellor for Employee Services
Pamela Ansboury, M.Ed., C.P.A. Associate Vice Chancellor for Finance & Fiscal Services
John Strybos, P.E. Associate Vice Chancellor for Facilities
Leo Zuniga, B.A. Associate Vice Chancellor for Communications


Alamo Colleges Board of Trustees

Joe Alderete Jr., District 1 2016
Denver McClendon, District 2 2016
Anna U. Bustamante, Secretary, District 3 2016
Marcelo Casillas, Vice Chairman, District 4 2014
Roberto Zárate, District 5 2018
Dr. Gene Sprague, District 6 2018
D. Yvonne Katz, Asst. Secretary, District 7 2018
Gary Beitzel, Chairman, District 8 2014
James Rindfuss, Chairman, District 9 2014

Date following board member’s name indicates expiration of term.

The College District administers five colleges - Northeast Lakeview College, Northwest Vista College, Palo Alto College, St. Philip’s College, and San Antonio College.




Jose A. Cruz Professor Emeritus of Mathematics: B.A., University of Puerto Rico; M.S., M.A., Texas A&M University-Kingsville
Margarita Fresquez-Zaske Professor Emeritus of Mathematics: B.S., University of Texas at El Paso; M.S., New Mexico State University
Colby Glass Professor Emeritus of Learning Resources: B.A., University of North Texas; M.L.I.S., University of Texas at Austin
Julie Kern Goben Assistant Professor Emeritus of Mathematics: B.A., St. Mary’s University; M.A., Texas Tech University
Sandra Hood Professor Emeritus of Library and Information Studies: B.A., M.L.S., University of Oklahoma; M.A., University of Texas at San Antonio
James Riley (Deceased) Associate Professor Emeritus of Business Administration: B.B.A., Angelo State University; M.B.A., St. Mary’s University
Irma M. Sanchez Assistant Professor Emeritus of Learning Resources: B.A., St. Mary’s University; M.S.L.S., Our Lady of the Lake University
Irene Scharf Professor Emeritus, Department of Librarian: B.A., M.A., University of Texas at Austin; M.S.L.S., Our Lady of the Lake University
Michael S. Seiferth Associate Professor Emeritus of English: B.A., Rutgers University; M.A., Appalachian State University
Roy Tucker Professor Emeritus of Mathematics: B.A., Mercer University; M.Div., Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary; M.S., Prairie View A&M University; M.Ed., Pan American University; Ph.D., Ohio Christian University; Ph.D., Baylor University

Full-Time & Adjunct Faculty By Departments

Administrative Technology

Full-Time Faculty 

 Sylvia de Hoyos  Instructor, Administrative Technology: B.S., Our Lady of the Lake University; M.P.A., University of Texas at San Antonio

Adjunct Faculty

Maria D. Miranda Administrative Technology: B.A., Park College
Anita Soliz Administrative Technology: B.S., Our Lady of the Lake University; M.S., St. Mary’s University


Full-Time Faculty


Adjunct Faculty 

Timothy Loesch Agriculture/Horticulture: B.S., Texas A&M University
Billy Odam Agriculture/Horticulture: B.S., M.Ed., Southwest Texas State University
Deborah Reid Agriculture/Horticulture: B.S., M.S., Texas A&M University
Weldon G. Riggs Agriculture/Horticulture: B.S., M.Ed., Texas A&M University
Chad Stranahan Agriculture/Horticulture: B.S., Purdue University

Aviation Technology

Full-Time Faculty

John H. Aken Instructor of Aviation Technology: B.S., Southwest Texas State University

Adjunct Faculty

Roberto Arredondo Aviation Technology: B.S., Williamstown University; M.S., Embry-Riddle University
Gregory Runnels Aviation Technology: B.E.E., Gannon University
E. Brian Wells Aviation Technology: B.S., University of Colorado; M.S., Troy State University

Behavioral Sciences, Education, Humanities & Protective Services

Full-Time Faculty

Amie DeLeon Associate Professor of Teacher Education: B.A., University of the Incarnate Word; M.S., Ed.D., Texas A&M University-Kingsville
Ismael Dovalina Associate Professor of Psychology: B.A., Columbia University; M.A., University of Michigan
John Gilbert Hernandez Professor of Philosophy: B.A., University of Texas at San Antonio; M.A., University of Texas at Austin; Ph.D., Capella University
Karen D. Marcotte Professor of History and Humanities: B.A., M.A., George Peabody College
Mariana Ornelas Professor of Humanities: B.A., Marietta College; M.A., Tufts University; M.A., University of Texas at San Antonio
Barry Lynn Parker Instructor of Criminal Justice: B.A., Southern Christian University; M.L.S., Fort Hays State University
William G. Vasquez Professor of Psychology: B.A., M.A., St. Mary’s University
Antonio Villanueva Assistant Professor of Psychology: B.A., M.S., St. Mary’s University

Adjunct Faculty

Rafael Castillo Professor of English: B.A., St. Mary’s University; M.A., University of Texas at San Antonio; Ph.D., Capella University
Joan Coughlin Psychology: B.S., M.S., Portland State University; Psy.D., California Coast University
Susan Csaszar Teacher Education: B.A., M.A., South Connecticut State University
Jacqueline Dansby Psychology: B.A., Incarnate Word College; M.A., University of Texas at San Antonio; Ph.D., Texas A&M University
Louis Dufault Psychology: B.A., Texas A&M University
Donna Garrett Social Work: B.A., Hartwick College; M.S.S.W., University of Texas Arlingron; M.P.A., Texas State University
Dorothy Haecker Philosophy: B.A., University of Texas at Austin; M.Ph., Ph.D., University of Kansas
Sidney Harle Criminal Justice: B.A., University of Texas at Austin; J.D., St. Mary’s University
Shaun Hedgepeth Sociology: B.A., M.A., Our Lady of the Lake University; Ph.D., Capella University
Matthew D. Mangum Philosophy: B.A., St. Mary’s University; M.A., J.D., Texas Tech University; LL.M., University of Houston
Steve Mardock Criminal Justice: B.S., Southern Illinois University; M.S., Southwest Texas State University
Christine Moczygemba Teacher Education: B.S., Ball State University; M.Ed., University of Houston
Suzel Molina Psychology: B.S., Abilene Christian University; M.A., University of Texas at San Antonio
Rodney Norman Social Work: M.S.W., Our Lady of the Lake University
Janet Rangel Counseling/Psychology: B.S., M.A., University of Houston-Victoria
Samuel Kreider Rock Psychology: B.A., Washington & Jefferson College; M.S., Pennsylvania State University; Ph.D., University Park
Carlos Rodriguez Sociology:  Master of Science in Sociology, University of Texas at San Antonio
Rey Saldana Education: B.A., M.A., Stanford University
Demetria Simmons Education: B.A., University of the Incarnate Word; M.A., University of Phoenix
Juan Tejeda Humanities: B.A., M.A., University of Texas at San Antonio
Terral Toma Philosophy: B.A., Brown University; M.A., Ph.D., Northwestern University
Peter Van Dusen Philosophy: B.S., U.S. Naval Academy; M.A., California State University, Long Beach
James West Psychology: LPC, LMFT, LCDC; B.A., Culver-Stockton College; M.Ed., Our Lady of the Lake University; M.Ed., Sul Ross State University
Ma. Aurora Yanez Sociology: B.A., Southwest Texas State University; M.A., The Ohio State University


Full-Time Faculty

Elsa A. Anaya Professor of Business Administration & Business Management: B.A., Texas A&M University; M.B.A., Our Lady of the Lake University.
Veronica Rosas-Tatum, Lead Assistant Professor of Business Administration and Business Management: B.A., St. Mary’s University;M.B.A., Our Lady of the Lake University

Adjunct Faculty

Mary Ann Bowman Business Management & Human Resource Management: B.A., University of Texas at Austin; M.A. University of Texas at San Antonio
Sharon Carson Business Management: B.B.A., Our Lady of the Lake University; M.B.A., Southwest Texas State University
Sylvia de Hoyos Business Management & Human Resource Management: B.S., Our Lady of the Lake University; M.P.A., University of Texas at San Antonio
Diane Dominguez Business Management & Human Resource Management: B.A., University of Texas at San Antonio; M.A. University of the Incarnate Word
Josh Garcia Business Administration, Business Management & Marketing: B.B.A., St. Mary’s University; M.B.A., Our Lady of the Lake University
Lydia Hannawi Business Management: B.A., St. Mary’s University; M.A., Webster University
Angelina Sayers Business Administration & Business Management: B.A., M.B.A., Our Lady of the Lake University
James Gary Shelman Business: B.A.S., Troy State University; M.B.A., Wayland Baptist University
Celestino Valentin Business Management: B.A., M.B.A., Texas A&M University - San Antonio
Marie Valentin Business Management: B.A., M.B.A., Texas A&M University - San Antonio

Computer Science & Computer Information Systems

Full-Time Faculty

Joe J. Corrales Associate Professor of Computer Information Systems and Computer Science: B.S., Wayland Baptist University; M.A., Webster University
John B. Dunn Associate Professor of Computer Information Systems and Computer Science: A.A.S., Community College of the Air Force; B.A.A.S., Southwest Texas State University; M.A., Webster University
Steven Hicks Associate Professor of Computer Information Systems and Computer Science: B.S., Corpus Christi State University; M.A., Webster University
John L. Jansma Professor of Computer Science and Computer Information Systems: B.A., St. Cloud State University; M.S., University of Southern California; M.S., University of Southern Mississippi; M.A., Webster University
Neven Jurkovic Professor of Computer Science: B.S.E.E., University of Zagreb; M.S., Southwest Texas State University; Ph.D., University of Zagreb
Lee Ming Ross Associate Professor of Computer Information Systems and Computer Science: B.A., National Taiwan University; M.S., Alabama A&M University; M.A., Webster University
Brian K. Sanders Assistant Professor of Computer Information Systems and Computer Science: B.S., M.S., Trinity University

Adjunct Faculty 

William Burke Computer Science & Computer Information Systems: B.A., M.S., Corpus Christi State University
Andrea Cardenas Computer Science & Computer Information Systems: B.B.A., Our Lady of the Lake University; M.S. Capella University
Brian McDaniel Computer Science & Computer Information Systems: A.A., State Fair Community College; A.S., Bellville Area College; B.S., Southern Illinois University; M.S., Oklahoma City University
Kerry John Odom Computer Science & Computer Information Systems: B.A.A.S., Texas State University; M.A., Webster University
Charles N. Ritley Computer Science & Computer Information Systems: B.S., Kent State University; M.S., Texas A&M University
Anita C. Soliz Computer Science & Computer Information Systems: B.S., Our Lady of the Lake University; M.S., St. Mary’s University
Priscilla M. Truesdell Computer Science & Computer Information Systems: B.S., Southwest Texas State College; M.A., Webster University

Counseling & Support Services

Full-Time Faculty

Yolanda Reyna, Chairperson L.P.C., Assistant Professor of Counseling and Student Development: B.A., Incarnate Word College; M.S., Our Lady of the Lake University; Ed.D., Baylor University
Mary L. Apolinar Assistant Professor of Counseling and Student Development: B.A., Southwest Texas State University; M.A., Our Lady of the Lake University
Daniel Rodriguez Professor of Counseling and Student Development: B.A., M.Ed., Southwest Texas State University; Ed.D., Baylor University
Rose Zambrano Professor of Counseling and Student Development: B.A., University of Texas at San Antonio; M.A., St. Mary’s University; Ph.D., University of the Incarnate Word

Adjunct Faculty

Elizabeth Aguilar-Villarreal Counseling and Student Development: B.A., Our Lady of the Lake University; M.S., Texas A&M University at Kingsville
Adolfo R. Barrera Counseling, Psychology and Student Development: B.A., University of North Texas; M.S., Corpus Christi State University; Ed.D., Texas Tech University
Esmeralda Gutierrez Cruz Counseling and Student Development: B.A., Texas State University; M.A., University of Texas at San Antonio
Maria Diaz Counseling and Student Development: B.A., University of Texas at San Antonio; M.A., Texas A&M University at San Antonio
Catrina Hillyard Counseling and Student Development: B.A., M.A., University of Texas at San Antonio
Francisco Sanchez Counseling and Student Development: B.A.,University of Texas at San Antonio; M.A., Texas A&M University at Kingsville
Dorothy Ulcak Counseling, Psychology and Student Development: B.A., University of the Incarnate Word; M.A., University of Texas at San Antonio
Russell Wagner Counseling and Student Development: B.A., University of Maine; M.A., University of Texas at San Antonio


Full-Time Faculty


Adjunct Faculty

Ronald Brown Engineering: B.S., M.A., Ph.D., Texas A&M University-Kingsville
Doroteo Chavarria Engineering: B.S.E.E., University of Texas at Austin; M.S., Trinity University


English/Communications/Foreign Languages/ESOL/Reading

Full-Time Faculty

Jennifer Andermatt Instructor of English: B.S., Texas A&I University; M.A., Texas A&M University
Rafael C. Castillo Professor of English: B.A., St. Mary’s University; M.A., University of Texas at San Antonio; Ph.D., Capella University
Frank J. Crayton Associate Professor of Reading: B.S., M.S., Southwest Texas State University
Terrence Flannery Instructor of English: B.A., Maryglade College; M.A., University of Texas at San Antonio
Ruth Ann Gambino Assistant Professor of English: B.A., Cornell University; M.A., Incarnate Word College
Diane Lerma Instructor of Reading: A.A., San Antonio College; B.S.W., Our Lady of the Lake University; M.A., University of Texas at San Antonio
Caroline Mains Instructor of English: B.S., University of Florida; M.A., Southwest Texas State University
Diana Nystedt Instructor of English: B.A., M.A., Texas A&M University
Greg Pasztor Instructor of Mass Communications: B.A., Allegheny College; M.A., University of the Incarnate Word
Denise Barkis Richter Professor of Mass Communications: B.A., Trinity University; M.A., University of the Incarnate Word; Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin
Jennifer Lynn Scheidt Instructor of English: B.A., Rhodes College; M.A., University of Texas at San Antonio
Ellen Shull Professor of English: B.A., Incarnate Word College; M.A., University of Texas at San Antonio
Matilda Staut Instructor of English: B.A., University of the Incarnate Word; M.A., Our Lady of the Lake University
Evangeline Velez-Cobb Instructor of Spanish:  B.A., St. Mary’s University; M.A., University of Texas at San Antonio

Adjunct Faculty

Marie Altakali English:  B.A., St. Mary’s University; M.A., University of Notre Dame
Patrick T. Bray Foreign Languages (Latin): B.A., Seminary of St. Pius X; M.A., University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Donnie Cearley English: B.S., Southwest Texas State University; M.A., Eastern New Mexico University
Robert Chaney English: B.A., M.A., University of Texas at Austin
Carol Christopher English: B.A., Indiana University; M.A., Our Lady of the Lake University
Laura D. Davila English for Speakers of Other Languages: B.A., Texas A&M University
Yolanda Del Villar Foreign Languages (Spanish): B.A., M.A., University of Texas at San Antonio
Amelia Flores Foreign Languages (Spanish): B.A., Trinity University; M.Ed., Stephen F. Austin State University
Diane Flowers Reading: B.A., University of Houston
John Fulton English: B.A., Washington State University; M.A., University of Washington
Raul Garza, Jr. Foreign Languages (Spanish): B.S., A&I at Laredo; M.A., University of Arizona
Antonio Garza English: B.A., University of Texas at San Antonio
Teresa C. Gonzales English: B.A., Texas A&M University
Imelda Gonzalez English: B.A., M.A., Our Lady of the Lake University
Laurie Guerrero English: B.A., Smith College; M.F.A., Drew University
Joy Gunter English: B.A.A.S., M.Ed., Texas State University; M.Ed., Our Lady of the Lake University
Dixie Haag English: B.A., M.A., Trinity University
Nancy Hall English: B.A., M.A., Our Lady of the Lake University
Sheila Sanchez Hatch English: B.A., University of Texas at San Antonio; M.A., Vermont College
Karen Hogensen Communications: B.S., University of Oregon; M.F.A., University of Texas at San Antonio
Sallyanne Holtz English and Communications: B.S., University of Rio Grande; M.S., Ohio University
Corey Howe English: B.A., M.A., Our Lady of the Lake University
Mary-Ellen Jacobs English: B.S., Marquette University; M.A., The University of California at Davis; Ph.D., The University of Maryland-College Park
Yolanda Jimenez Spanish: B.A., Our Lady of the Lake University; Master of Public Admin., St. Mary’s University
Karen K. Kirby English: B.A., Olivet Nazarene College; M.A., McNeese State University
Herbert Mann English: B.A., Brooklyn College; M.A., University of Wisconsin; Ph.D., State University of New York at Binghamton
Luis Martinez Foreign Languages: B.A, Pan American University; M.A., University of Texas-Pan American
Debra McBeath English: B.A., Angelo State University; M.A., Sul Ross State University
Diana L. Montejano English: B.A., Incarnate Word College; M.A., University of Texas at El Paso
Gerardo Moore Jr. English: B.A., M.A., Texas A&M International University
John O. Morris English: B.A., Schreiner College; M.A., Boston College
George D. Nash English: B.A., St. Mary’s University; M.A., University of Texas at Austin
Kenneth Neumann English: B.A., Texas Lutheran University; M.A., Southwest Texas State University
Jesus Noriega French and Spanish: B.A., M.A. Texas A&M University
David Ochoa English: B.S., Southwest Texas State University; M.A., University of Texas at San Antonio
Donna Martinez-Perese English: B.A., M.A., University of the Incarnate Word
Janet Perry English: B.A., Texas A&M University; M.A., University of Texas at San Antonio
Tiffany Polasek English: B.A., University of Texas at San Antonio; M.Ed., Our Lady of the Lake University
Justin Pozos English:  B.A., University of the Incarnate Word; M.A., University of Texas at San Antonio; M.L.A., St. Edward’s University
Karen Quiroz English: B.A., University of Texas at San Antonio; M.L.A., St. Edward’s University
Holly Riedel English: B.A., Eckerd College; M.A., University of South Florida
Margarito Rodriguez Reading: B.A., Texas A&I University; M.A., University of Texas at San Antonio
Josephine Rose English: B.A., M.A., Pan American University
Caroline Sue Sanchez Reading: B.A., Our Lady of the Lake University; M.Ed., Grand Canyon University
Alexander R. Segura English: B.A., St. Mary’s University; M.A., University of Texas at San Antonio
Cynthia Tamez English: B.A., St. Mary’s University; M.A., Grand Canyon University
Lynda Ann Thompson English: B.A., Oklahoma Baptist University; M.A., College of William & Mary
Lisa Trevino English: B.A., University of Texas at San Antonio; M.A., Our Lady of the Lake University
Bobbie Walker English: B.A., Baylor University, M.A., Colorado University
Mary Joyce Young English: B.A., M.A., Southwest Texas State University

Fine & Performing Arts/Speech Communication

Full-Time Faculty

Carolyn DeLecour, Chairperson Assistant Professor of Speech: B.S., Texas A&I University; M.A., University of Texas at Austin
Cakky Brawley Associate Professor of Art: B.F.A., Texas Tech University; M.F.A. Indiana University
Alba De Leon Professor of Art: B.A., Bennington College; M.F.A., University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa; M.A., University of Texas at San Antonio; Ph.D., University of the Incarnate Word
Kenneth E. Harris Associate Professor of Speech: B.A., Western Kentucky University; M.A., Mid-American Baptist Seminary; Ph.D., Indiana University
Mark Hogensen Professor of Art: B.S., B.F.A., Oregon State University; M.F.A., University of Texas at San Antonio
Karen Mahaffy Associate Professor of Art: B.A., Hope College; M.F.A., University of Texas at San Antonio
Armin Marmolejo Associate Professor of Music: B.A., North Texas State University; M.M., Southwest Texas State University; D.M.A., University of Texas at Austin
Juan Ortiz Instructor of Music: Director of Campanas de América and Mariachi Palominos, Artist in Residence
Chuck Squier Assistant Professor of Drama and Speech: A.A., Kilgore Jr. College; B.F.A., M.A., Stephen F. Austin State University
Juan Tejeda Instructor of Music: B.A., M.A., University of Texas at San Antonio
Lloyd J. Walsh Associate Professor of Art: B.F.A., University of Texas at San Antonio; M.F.A., California College of Arts and Crafts

Adjunct Faculty

Patt Blue Art: B.A., State University of New York; M.F.A., Art Cranbrook Academy of Art
Sabra Booth Art: B.F.A., University of Houston; M.F.A., Art Cranbrook Academy of Art
Cynthia Castillo Music: B.A., University of Texas at Austin; M.M., Southwest Texas State University
Joseph Coppola Speech: B.A., M.A., Baylor University
Jay T. Fort Music: B.M., M.M., Southwest Texas State University
Adalberto Gomez, Jr. Music: B.M., University of Texas at San Antonio; M.M., Southwest Texas State University
Paul Harper Music: B.A., M.A., University of Texas at San Antonio
John Hernandez Art: B.A., Our Lady of the Lake University; M.F.A., University of North Texas
Michele Monseau Art: B.F.A., Youngstown State University; M.F.A., University of Texas at San Antonio
Shala’France Moore Speech: B.A., Bowling Green State University; M.A., Texas State University
Penny Powers Speech: B.A., University of Texas at San Antonio; M.A., St. Mary’s University
William Ricketts Music: B.A., St. Mary’s University; M.M., California State University-Northridge
Christopher Sauter Art: B.A., University of the Incarnate Word; M.F.A., University of Texas at San Antonio
Natalie Weatherbie Speech: B.A., St. Edward’s University; M.A., University of Colorado

Industrial Automation

Full-Time Faculty

Adjunct Faculty

Leonel Diaz Industrial Automation: B.S., Park University
Clyde Holmes Industrial Automation: B.S., University of Houston
Richard Ozuna Industrial Automation: A.A., San Antonio College
John Scott Smoot Industrial Automation: A.S., Community College Air Force
Juan Song Industrial Automation: B.S., Shanghai Tongji University; M.S., Shanghai Jiaotong University; Ph.D., University of Louisville


Kinesiology & Health

Full-Time Faculty 

Juan Aguilera Instructor of Kinesiology: B.S., M.A., University of Texas at San Antonio
Anna Bustamante Assistant Professor of Kinesiology: B.S., M.Ed., University of the Incarnate Word; Ph.D. Texas State University
Ramon Hernandez, III Associate Professor of Kinesiology: B.S., University of Texas at San Antonio; M.Ed., Southwest Texas State University; M.S., Capella University
Alexis Lowe Assistant Professor of Kinesiology: B.A., M.Ed., University of Texas at Austin
Suzel Molina Associate Professor of Kinesiology: B.S., Abilene Christian University; M.A., University of Texas at San Antonio

Adjunct Faculty

Amy Cichon Kinesiology: B.S., M.Ed., Southwest Texas State University
Tiffany Dale Kinesiology: B.S., Texas A&M University; M.Ed., Texas State University
Christopher Delgado Kinesiology: B.S., Texas A&M University - San Antonio
Bill Graham Kinesiology: B.S., Johnson C. Smith University
Leticia Gutierrez Kinesiology: B.S., Texas A&M University - Kingsville; M.S., Texas A&M University of San Antonio
Gabriel Palacios Kinesiology: B.A., University of Northern Iowa; M.Ed., University of Texas at San Antonio
Juanita Sibson Kinesiology: B.A., St. Edwards University; M.S., California University of Pennsylvania
Glenn Tillman Kinesiology: B.S., The University of Texas at San Antonio
Diego Torres Kinesiology: B.A., M.Ed., The University of Texas at San Antonio

Library and Information Studies

Full-Time Faculty

Camille F. Fiorillo, Chairperson Associate Professor of Library and Information Studies: B.A., College of Staten Island; M.L.S., University of Oklahoma
Cynthia A. Sanchez Instructor of Library and Information Studies: B.A., Our Lady of the Lake University ; M.L.S., Texas Woman’s University

Adjunct Faculty

Colby Glass Library and Information Studies: B.A., University of North Texas; M.L.I.S., University of Texas at Austin
Zelda Mac Library and Information Studies: B.B.A., University of Texas at San Antonio; M.S., University of North Texas

Logistics & Supply Chain Management

Full-Time Faculty

 Ronnie Brannon Instructor of Logistics & Supply Chain Management: M.S., Florida Institute of Technology; M.A., Webster College; B.S., Southern Arkansas University

Adjunct Faculty

Nonie Cabana Logistics & Supply Chain Management: B.S.O.E., M.Ed., Wayland Baptist University; M.S., Troy State University; M.A., Naval War College
 Rosanno Gerald Logistics & Supply Chain Management: B.S., University of Maryland ; M.B.A., Webster University


Full-Time Faculty 

Patrick Lee, Chairperson Associate Professor of Mathematics: B.S., Bradley University; M.S. University of Iowa
Alfredo Gil Alvarez, Jr. Assistant Professor of Mathematics: A.A.S., San Antonio College; B.S., M.S., Southwest Texas State University
Monica M. Bratcher Instructor of Mathematics: B.S., M.S., University of Texas at San Antonio
Monette Elizalde Associate Professor of Mathematics: B.A., M.A., Trinity University; Ph.D., University of the Incarnate Word
Paul Hernandez Assistant Professor of Mathematics: B.S., Southern Methodist University; M.A., University of Texas at Austin
Brian Hons Assistant Professor of Mathematics: A.A.S., Coastal Bend College; B.S., M.S., University of Texas at San Antonio
David Hope Professor of Mathematics: B.A., St. Mary’s University; M.S., Purdue University
Helen C. Kirk Professor of Mathematics: B.A., Washington and Jefferson College; M.A., Pepperdine University; M.S., University of Texas at San Antonio
Alice Lawson-Johnson Associate Professor of Mathematics: B.S., M.S., Prairie View A&M University
Angela Menke Assistant Professor of Mathematics: B.S., Creighton University; M.S., Texas Tech University
Kelly Mumbower Professor of Mathematics: B.S., M.S., Southwestern Oklahoma State University
Joseph Ottum Instructor of Mathematics: B.S., University of Houston; M.S., University of Texas at San Antonio; M.S., University of Southern California
Yvette Rios Associate Professor of Mathematics: B.S., M.S., University of Texas at San Antonio
Amanda J. Salinas Associate Professor of Accounting: B.B.A., Southwest Texas State University; M.B.A., Our Lady of the Lake University
Robert Valadez Assistant Professor of Mathematics: B.A., Trinity University; M.S., University of Texas at San Antonio

Adjunct Faculty

Farid Amerian Mathematics: B.S., Huston-Tillotson College; M.A., St. Edward’s University; M.Ed., University of Texas at Austin
Miguel P. Barbera Jr. Mathematics: B.S., M.S., Laredo State University
Tami Benslimane Mathematics: B.S., University of Texas at El Paso
Juan A. Cadena Mathematics: B.S., Southwest Texas State University; M.S., University of Texas at San Antonio
Leticia Chapa Mathematics: B.A., Southwest Texas State University; M.A., University of Texas at Austin
Sharon Cox Mathematics: B.S., West Texas State University
Jose Cruz Mathematics: B.A., University of Puerto Rico; M.S., Texas A&I University
James Edson Mathematics: B.S., Montana State University; M.S., Rochester Institute of Technology
Elizabeth J. Fields Mathematics: B.A., M.Ed., Southwest Texas State University
Eva Fromme Mathematics: B.S.Ed., Georgia Southern College; M.Ed., Southwest Texas State University
Jaime Garces Mathematics: B.S., University of Texas at San Antonio
Loran William Gierhart Mathematics: B.S., U.S. Naval Academy; M.S., University of Michigan
Salah Ibrahim Mathematics: B.S., University of Nebraska
Francesca Keith Mathematics: B.S., M.S., University of Texas at San Antonio
William P. Krant Mathematics: B.A., Boston College; M.A., University of Michigan
Thomas Lauffer Mathematics: B.S., University of Texas at San Antonio
Rachel Lee Mathematics: B.A., Trinity University
AlexSandra Lord Accounting: B.B.A., North Texas State University; M.S., University of North Texas
Maria Luna-Chavez Accounting: B.B.A., St. Mary’s Univesity; M.S. University of Texas at San Antonio
Ricardo Maldonado Mathematics: B.S., Texas A&I University; M.S., St. Mary’s University
Billy G. McWilliams Mathematics: B.S., Paul Quinn College; M.S., St. Mary’s University
Virginia Nelms Mathematics: B.S., Mary Washington College; M.A., Lehigh University
Mohammad S. Qashou Mathematics: B.S., M.S., Auburn University
Kenneth Russell Mathematics: B.S., Southern Arkansas University; M.S., University of Louisiana
James Shuler Mathematics:  B.S., Texas State University; M.S., University of Texas at San Antonio
Michael Smith Mathematics:  B.S., M.S., Southwest Texas State University
Hector V. Torres Mathematics: B.S., University of Texas at Austin; M.S., University of Texas at San Antonio
Lorene Toscano Mathematics:  B.S., M.S., Texas A&M University-Kingsville
David Williamson Mathematics: B.S., University of Nebraska; M.S., University of South Carolina


Oil and Gas Technology

Full-Time Faculty

Adjunct Faculty


Glen S. Tanck Oil and Gas Technology: B.A., M.S., University of Wisconsin; Ph.D., University of Arizona


Full-Time Faculty

George E. Hagen, Chairperson Professor of Agriculture: B.S., M.S., Texas A&I University at Kingsville
Brad S. Chandler Professor of Biology: B.S., M.S., Southwest Texas State University
Peter G. Hernandez Professor of Biology: B.S., M.S., University of Texas at San Antonio
Linda E. Ibarra-Gonzales Associate Professor of Biology: B.A., St. Mary’s University; M.S., Incarnate Word College; M.S. University of the Incarnate Word
Robert Leal Assistant Professor of Biology: B.S., M.S., University of Texas at San Antonio
Stamatis Muratidis Assistant Professor of Chemistry: B.A., Grinnell College; Ph.D., University of Nevada
Dale Robinson Assistant Professor of Chemistry: B.A., Incarnate Word College; M.A., University of Texas at Austin
Michael Shanklin Professor of Chemistry: B.S., M.S., University of Arizona; Ph.D., Texas A &M University
Eleanor Skelley Professor of Biology & Chemistry: B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Ohio State University
Glen S. Tanck Assistant Professor of Geology: B.A., M.S., University of Wisconsin; Ph.D., University of Arizona
Sara Wilkins Assistant Professor of Biology: B.S., M.S., Texas Tech University

Adjunct Faculty

Kimberly A. Crawford Biology: B.S., University of Texas at Austin; B.S., M.S., Texas A&M University-College Station; M.S., University of Texas Health Science Center
Juan A. Esquivel Biology: B.S., University of Texas at San Antonio; M.S., University of Texas Health Science Center; M.S., University of the Incarnate Word
Robert D. Gaudette Physics: B.S., University of Lowell; M.B.A., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute;; M.S., Air Force Institute of Technology
Rahmatollah Ghana Chemistry: B.S., University of Teacher Training; M.S., University of Texas at San Antonio
Cecilia Gonzales Biology: B.S., M.S., University of Incarnate Word; Ph.D., Baylor University
Usha Gururajarao Physics: B.S., M.S., Bangalore University, India; M.S., Northern Illinois University
Teri A. Haye Biology: B.S., University of the Incarnate Word; M.S., The University of Texas Health Science Center-San Antonio
Ira J. Hessel Chemistry: B.S., City College New York; Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin
James R. Hunt Chemistry: B.S., University of Oregon; M.S., University of Washingto
Victor Mendez Chemistry: B.S., St. Mary’s University; M.A., University of Texas at Austin; M.S., Trinity University
Lance E. Sandberg Biology: B.S., University of Massachusetts; Ph.D., Texas A&M University

Social Sciences

Full-Time Faculty

Virginia (Ginny) Stowitts Traina, Chairperson Associate Professor of Government: B.A., University of the Incarnate Word; M.A., St. Mary’s University
Javier Aguirre Instructor of History: B.A., M.A., University of Texas at San Antonio
Norman Armstrong Instructor of History: B.A., M.A., St. Mary’s University
Victoria L. Beckman-Wilson Instructor of History: B.A., California State University; M.A., University of Texas at San Antonio
Martha Cruz-Bock Assistant Professor of Geography: B.S., Southwest Texas University; M.A., St. Mary’s University; Ph.D., St. Louis University
Rex Field Associate Professor of History: B.A., University of Texas at Arlington; M.A. University of Houston
Sandra Gieseler Instructor of Government: B.A., Youngstown State University; M.A., St. Mary’s University
Kenneth R. Glass Instructor of Economics: B.A., Trinity University; M.A., St. Mary’s University
Robert Hines Assistant Professor of History: B.S., M.S., Illinois State University
Oliver B. Jones Assistant Professor of Government: B.A., Morris Brown College; M.A., Clark Atlanta University
Larry Losoya Assistant Professor of Government: B.B.A., University of the Incarnate Word; M.A., St. Mary’s University
Peter Myers Associate Professor of History: B.A., Muhlenberg College; M.A., New York University
Belinda Román Professor of Economics: B.A., M.A., Texas Christian University; Ph.D., University of Western Ontario
Gabriel Ume Professor of Government: B.B.A., Texas State University; M.A., St. Mary’s University

Adjunct Faculty

Joe Alvarez History: B.A., M.A., University of Texas at San Antonio
Richard W. Arcos Government: B.A., M.A., University of Texas at San Antonio
Michael S. Bell History: B.S., Norfolk State University; M.A., University of Texas at San Antonio
Nelson Brockway Economics: B.A., University of North Carolina; M.A., Florida Atlantic University
Stephen Cage Economics: B.A., Southwestern University; M.S., Baylor University
Frank Charles History: B.A., M.A., University of Texas at San Antonio
Vincent Claudio History: B.A., Texas A&M University-Kingsville; M.A., University of Texas at San Antonio
James L. Fischer History: B.A., St. Mary’s University; M.A., University of Texas at San Antonio
Ruben Michael Flores Government: B.A., University of Texas at San Antonio; M.S., Illinois State University; Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin
Joseph M. Fonseca Government: B.A., M.A., St. Mary’s University
Robert L. Garza Government: B.S., Texas A&M University-College Station; M.P.A., University of Texas at San Antonio
Rafael Garza IV Government: B.A., Texas A&M University; M.A., University of Texas at San Antonio
Jeremey S. Gutierrez History: B.A., M.A., University of Texas at San Antonio
Edward J. Guelpa Economics: B.A., California State University; M.A. Brigham Young University
Jefferson Johnson Government: B.A., M.A., St. Mary’s University
Joseph E. Kaufmann History: B.S., University of Miami; M.A., University of Texas at San Antonio
Ralph Kelley History: B.A., University of the Incarnate Word; M.A., University of Texas at San Antonio
Joseph LeBouff History: B.A., Bellerue College; M.A., University of Texas at San Antonio
Rosa M. Losoya Government: B.A., University of Texas at San Antonio; M.A., Texas State University
Randall Matye Government: B.A., Wayland Baptist University; M.A., Troy State University
Thomas Murguia History: B.A., St. Mary’s University; M.P.A., University of Texas at San Antonio
Anthony C. Neidhart Government: B.A., St. Mary’s University; M.A., University of Oklahoma; Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin
Jesus M. Rendon History: B.A., M.A., University of Texas at San Antonio
Delores Ruffin Government: B.A.S., Our Lady of the Lake University; M.A., St. Mary’s University
Dale Schlundt History: B.A., M.A., University of Texas at San Antonio
Stanley A. Siler History: A.A., Temple Junior College; B.S., Southwestern University; M.S., Texas State University
Linda J. Simnacher History: B.A., University of Wyoming
Jessika Stokley Government: B.A., Baylor University; M.A., St. Mary’s University
Paul R. Toro History: B.S., United States Air Force Academy; M.A., Vermont College of Norwich University
Ted Villalon History: B.A., M.A., St. Mary’s University
Michael L. Vogelsang History: B.A., Our Lady of the Snows; M.A., St. Mary’s University
David R. Worley History: B.A., M.A., California State University
John P. Ybanez Government: B.A., Texas A&I University; M.A., St. Mary’s University

Veterinary Technology

Full-Time Faculty

Fonzie Quance-Fitch, Director Assistant Professor of Veterinary Technology: B.S., D.V.M., Texas A&M University
Laurie Pawelek Instructor of Veterinary Technology: A.A.S., Texas State Technical College; LVT, Texas Veterinary Medical Association
Olga J. Payne Instructor of Veterinary Technology: B.S., D.V.M., Texas A&M University

Adjunct Faculty

Kim Hoskins Veterinary Technology: A.A.S., Palo Alto College; B.S., Texas A&M University; LVT, Texas Veterinary Medical Association
Sandra Cardenas-Lopez Veterinary Technology: B.A., Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo
Linda Dawn Harris Veterinary Technology; B.S., M.P.H., D.V.M., Texas A&M University
Jennalea Hill Veterinary Technology: A.A.S., Palo Alto College; LVT, Texas Veterinary Medical Association