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  Feb 06, 2025
Palo Alto College Schedule/Catalog 2010-2011 
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Palo Alto College Schedule/Catalog 2010-2011 [Archived Catalog]

Corporate and Community Education



Mission Statement


The Corporate and Community Education Division, a non-profit entity, is dedicated to providing a variety of quality, relevant and essential traditional and non-traditional educational programs to individuals, businesses, and the community at large to help fulfill employer training needs, as well as the career and/or personal training aspirations of our students.

Corporate and Community Education Division:

  • supports employer training needs;
  • provides a wide range of incumbent worker development programs for adult learners to help facilitate career advancement;
  • helps prepare learners for college matriculation; and
  • provides wholesome recreation alternatives and meaningful community programs designed to enhance our community’s everyday quality of life.

Customized Training

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The Corporate and Community Education Division offers programs that lead to a certificate of completion applicable for professional development and workforce training and/or a state agency certification and/or license. This division has delivered contracted instruction to local employers, professional associations, and governmental agencies in and around San Antonio. Customized Training is assessed by analyzing the needs of the employer and workforce to determine the appropriate material and methods needed to successfully meet their training requirements. Training can be delivered at your facility or ours. Our goal is adult education for academic, occupational, professional, and cultural enhancement with contracted instructional programs and services for area employers that promote economic development.

Certificates of completion are issued for all classes and Continuing Education Units (CEU) or Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Units are awarded accordingly.

  • The CEU is a nationally recognized standard of measurement defined as one (1) CEU for ten (10) contact hours.

Palo Alto College is approved by the State Board for Educator Certification to provide CPE activities to Educators for certificate renewal purposes. All Texas Educators who hold a Standard Certificate must renew it every five (5) years. As a condition of renewal, superintendents and principals will be required to complete 200 clock hours of CPE, and all other educators must complete 150 hours.

  • The CPE is a standard of measurement recognized by the Texas State Board of Education Certificate as one (1) CPE for each contact hour.

Co-Listed Courses

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Co-listed courses are credit courses.  Students enroll in the Corporate and Community Education (CCE) Division and are allowed the opportunity to participate in a credit course for non-credit. This collaboration allows non-credit students who would like to enhance their skills and learn something new in a particular discipline the opportunity to register in a credit course without entering a credit degree plan.

Who is interested in co-listed classes?

  1. Degreed students seeking professional development.
  2. Life-long learners.
  3. Students seeking college experience.

Which academic courses could I take?

  1. Almost all subject courses are eligible to be co-listed.  Each department chairperson and/or lead instructor is given the right to allow students into a co-listed course within the department and/or discipline.
  2. Upper-level courses can be considered for co-listing on an individual basis.  CCE will seek approval from the department chairperson and/or lead instructor as well.

How will I benefit?

  1. Enrolling as a co-listed student allows the student to enroll in a credit course to obtain the competencies of the course without entering into a credit degree plan.
  2. No THEA (testing) requirements.
  3. Normally no pre-requisite requirements.
  4. Reduced tuition and fees.
  5. Increased course offerings available to the student.
  6. Upon course completion, the student will receive a Certificate of Completion – only if the student has successfully completed 80 percent of the course requirements.

Credit Hours

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Continuing Education hours in various training programs can be transferred to credit hours that will lead to a college degree. To be eligible, the student must already have six hours of college credit, be in good standing and must have consulted with a faculty advisor. A processing service fee per credit hour will apply.

For additional information please contact the Corporate and Community Education Division at (210) 486-3400 or visit our website at

Adult Education

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English as a Second Language (ESL)

E 0001 English as a Second Language (ESL) 42 Hours
These courses are for non-native speakers of English who have limited or no English language skills and who are 17 years or older. Course includes communication skills in the areas of basic grammar, speaking, listening, reading and writing. Assessment assures placement in the appropriate level. Course levels include Pre-Basic, Beginning, Intermediate and High Intermediate.

General Educational Development (GED)

G 0004 General Educational Development 60 Hours

Students will be prepared to take the GED exam by enrolling in this class that is designed to review all five subject areas: Math, Writing, Science, Social Studies and Reading Skills. The course also offers time management skills, study tips, testing center locations and practice tests. Must be 17 years or older. Spanish version is also available.

Vocational English as a Second Language (VESL) for CNA students

COMG 1005 Vocational English as a Second Language (VESL) 96 Hours

Improve your English skills to be better prepared to take the CNA course.  Learn the vocabulary and patient dialogues needed to be a successful CNA.  The course will lay the foundation for the basic skills the CNA will learn in the training and internship program.

Healthcare Training

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In less than a year, you can create your future in the healthcare industry. Health-related occupations provide guaranteed employment across the globe. As the population ages and more and more people seek health care, the need for all levels of healthcare workers increases.

Certified Nurse Aide Course

Prerequisite: Hep B Shot series and a Background Check at

This is a two-part course. Both courses are required for certification. Topics include resident’s rights, communication, safety, observation, reporting and assisting residents in maintaining basic comfort and safety, with emphasis on effective interaction with members of the healthcare team.

NURA 1001 Certified Nurse Aide (CNA) 60 Hours
This course prepares entry-level nurse aides to achieve a level of knowledge and skills, essential to provide basic care to residents of long-term care facilities. Topics include resident’s rights, communication, safety, observation, reporting and assisting residents in maintaining basic comfort and safety, with emphasis on effective interaction with members of the health care team. Licensing Agency: Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services.
NURA 1060  Clinical: Nurse/Aide
*Prerequisite: NURA 1001
40 Hours
A health-related work-based learning experience that enables the student to apply specialized occupational theory, skills, and concepts. Direct supervision is provided by a clinical professional. Course includes TDHS test. Licensing Agency: Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services.
NURA 2005 Preparation for the Certified Nurse Aide (CNA) Exam 18 Hours

This test preparation course is to assist you in preparing for the NNAAP™ Written Examination.  The focus of this course will help you to familiarize yourself with the styles and types of questions that will appear in the actual examination and also includes a review of skills learned in the CNA course

Medication Aide Program

Prerequisite: Hep B Shot series, current immunizations and Background Check (

This program is designed to maintain and enhance the competency of Medication Aides to administer medications as specified by the Health and Safety Code. Applicants must be employed as Certified Nurse Aides listed on the Texas Nurse Aide Registry in active status and currently employed in a facility licensed under Texas Health and Safety Code Chapter 242 on the class start date OR be employed on the class start date as non-licensed direct care staff in a facility licensed under Chapter 247 or an ICF-MR facility, State School for the Mentally Retarded or the Texas Department of Criminal Justice and have 90 days previous employed in the year preceding the class start date.  THIS DOES NOT INCLUDE HOME HEALTH AGENCIES, HOSPITALS, SKILLED NURSING FACILITIES (SNF) IN HOSPITALS, STAFFING AGENCIES, CITY-COUNTY JAILS OR ADULT DAY CARE. 

NURA 1013 Medication Administration for Nurse Aides 144 Hours

This course gives advanced instruction in preparation and administration of designated medications by Certified Nurse Aides working under the guidance of a licensed nurse. Student must be employed on the first day of class in a Medicare Skilled Nursing/Medicaid Facility, licensed MHMR facility, or have a minimum of 90 days employment providing patient care in a licensed assisted living facility. Students must have a high school diploma or GED equivalent.  Licensure: Texas Department of Aging and Disability Services.


Nursing combines the art of caring with the science of health care for one of the most in-demand, high-growth career tracks in the industry. For licensed nurses whose skills are not current and/or whose license has expired, the online course is for you.

Re-Entry Nursing Program Online

Prerequisite: Hep B Shot series, current immunizations and Background Check (

RNSG 1006 Re-Entry Nursing Update 128 Hours

Current nursing practice as related to the clinical areas of medical-surgical, maternal-child, psychiatric-mental health, community health, and emergency nursing care. This course is designed for inactive nurses returning to active practice. This course will summarize the Nursing Practice Act of Texas; differentiate and support holistic nursing care for clients and families utilizing appropriate nursing knowledge, experience, and legal/ethical standards of care; compare and contrast the different roles of professional nurses and their contributions to the profession; and utilize critical thinking principles to develop a holistic plan of care for clients with health care needs.

LVN Refresher Theory Program Online

Prerequisite: Hep B Shot series, current immunizations and a Background Check at

VNSG 2033  LVN Refresher Theory Program Online 128 Hours

This course is designed for inactive LVN nurses returning to active practice.  The focus of the course is to expand the nurse’s knowledge, skills and attitudes by applying information related to new technology, equipment, current nursing trends, and legalities to previously acquired formal education and skills competency.

This course is designed to meet the educational needs of nurses who have been out of the clinical setting for some time and desire to re-enter the workplace and as part of the Board’s requirement for reinstatement of licensure (required to complete a refresher course).  Content is based on the Texas Board of Nurse Examiners (BNE) recommendations for “nursing refresher” courses.

Prerequisites:  Students in this course must hold a current or pending renewal nursing (RN/LVN) license.  Current enrollment in RNSG 1060/VNSG 1060 – Nursing – RN/LVN Training is required for successful completion of this course.

Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Basic

This course includes all the knowledge and skills necessary to provide emergency medical care at a basic life support level with an ambulance or fire service or other specialized services.

EMSP 1001 Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Basic 176 Hours
Learn the basic skills of saving lives by becoming an EMT – one who is normally first on the scene of accidents or major medical emergencies. This course includes all the knowledge and skills necessary to provide emergency medical care at a basic life support level with an ambulance or fire service or other specialized services.

Students will be able to demonstrate a working knowledge of clinical information and related topics relevant to the practice of pre-hospital emergency medical care of the EMT-Basic level; demonstrate the ability to competently perform all applicable skills; and exhibit attitudes and behavior consistent with the ethics and professionalism expected of the EMT-Basic. Curriculum based on Department of Transportation National Standard Curriculum.

Additionally, skill development to meet the Department of Transportation Emergency Medical Technician - Basic guidelines in all aspects of pre-hospital emergency care and hazardous material awareness will be taught. Students will display a working knowledge of clinical information and related topics relevant to the practice of pre-hospital emergency medical care at the EMT - Basic level; demonstrate the ability to competently perform all applicable skills; and exhibit attitudes and behavior consistent with the ethics and professionalism expected of the EMT – Basic. Licensure/Certification Agency: Texas Department of State Health Services and/or the National Registry of EMT’s.

EMSP 1060 Clinical Emergency Medical Technician 88 Hours

This course is a continuation of EMSP 1001. This course will include skill development to meet the Department of Transportation - Basic guidelines in all aspects of pre-hospital emergency care, and hazardous material awareness will be taught. Licensure/Certification Agency: Texas Department of State Health Services and/or the National Registry of EMT’s.

Emergency Medical Technician – Intermediate

This course includes all the knowledge and skills necessary to provide emergency medical care at the next level.

TBD    Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Intermediate 144 Hours
Students will be able to demonstrate a working knowledge of clinical information and related topics relevant to the practice of pre-hospital emergency medical care of the EMT-Intermediate level; demonstrate the ability to competently perform all applicable skills; and exhibit attitudes and behavior consistent with the ethics and professionalism expected of the EMT-Intermediate.

Curriculum is based on 1985 Department of Transportation National Standard Curriculum. Texas contracts with National Registry to test at the 1985 level. Additionally, skill development to meet the Department of Transportation Emergency Medical Technician Intermediate guidelines in all aspects of pre-hospital emergency care will be taught. Students will display a working knowledge of clinical information and related topics relevant to the practice of pre-hospital emergency medical care at the EMT - Intermediate level; demonstrate the ability to competently perform all applicable skills; and exhibit attitudes and behavior consistent with the ethics and professionalism expected of the EMT Intermediate.

Students will present current EMT Basic certification on or before the first night of class. Students must adhere to the Alamo Colleges criminal background investigation. A current CPR card with an expiration date to include six months after the end of class will be required.

The Department of State Health Services and National Registry test fees are not included in the tuition. Current shot records and CPR cards will be discussed the first night of classes. Please call (210) 486-3406 for advisement prior to enrollment.

EMSP 1061 Clinical:  EMT Intermediate 120 Hours
This program also includes a health-related work-based learning experience in a clinical setting that enables the student to apply specialized occupational theory, skills, and concepts they learn. Direct supervision is provided by the clinical professional.

Phlebotomy Program

Prerequisite: Hep B Shot series, current immunizations and Background Check (

This program prepares for skill development in the performance of a variety of blood collection methods, using proper techniques and universal precautions.

PLAB 1023 Phlebotomy 42 Hours
This course includes vacuum collection devices, syringes, capillary skin puncture, butterfly needles and blood culture, and specimen collection on adults, children and infants. Emphasis on infection prevention, proper patient identification, labeling of specimens and quality assurance, specimen handling, processing, and accessioning. Topics include professionalism, ethics, and medical terminology. Demonstrate knowledge of infection control and safety; demonstrate understanding of quality assurance and the importance of specimen collection in the overall patient care system; and demonstrate knowledge of collection equipment, various types of additives used, special precautions necessary, and substances that can interfere in clinical analysis of blood constituents. Demonstrate proper techniques to perform venipuncture and capillary puncture on adults, children, and infants; and demonstrate the knowledge of requisitioning specimen transport and specimen processing.
PLAB 1060 Phlebotomy Clinical 120 Hours

*Prerequisite PLAB 1023  

A health-related work-based learning experience that enables the student to apply specialized occupational theory, skills, and concepts. The college and the clinical site develop and document an individualized plan for the student. The plan relates phlebotomist workplace training and experiences to the student’s general and technical course of study.

Medical Office

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The following courses are a few of the professional development and/or personal enhancement courses that we are currently offering. Please visit our website at for a complete listing of courses offered.

HITT 1005 Medical Terminology 48 Hours
This course entails the practical application of a medical vocabulary system. Topics include: structure, recognition, analysis, definitions, spelling, pronunciation, and combination of medical terms from prefixes, suffixes, roots, and combining forms. Students will define terms and abbreviations which apply to the structural organization of the body; and recognize and analyze terms and their components from a list including prefixes, suffixes, roots, and combining forms.
POFM 1000 Medical Insurance/Coding 104 Hours
  *Prerequisite HITT 1005  

This course is a survey of medical insurance including the life cycle of various claim forms, terminology, litigation, patient relations, and ethical issues. Topics include: medical records coding, ICD-9-CM and CPT-4, billing and bookkeeping, fee collection, insurance terminology, benefit coverage, insurance claims including workman’s compensation, Medicare and Medicaid.

HITT 2046 Advanced Medical Coding 48 Hours
In-depth coverage of ICD and CPT coding rubrics, conventions, principles, and updates as they apply to accurate coding of complex medical/surgical cases, with emphasis on case studies.  Government regulations and changes in health care reporting will be addressed.  Interpret inpatient or outpatient medical records to assign appropriate principal/secondary diagnosis and principal/secondary procedures.
HITT 2045 Coding Certification Exam Review 36 Hours
Review of Coding competencies and skills in preparation for a coding certification exam

Professional Development

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Child Care Program

Students interested in working with young children in a child care setting will learn the necessary skills to properly care for young children and to acquire and maintain licensure with the national association of child care workers, the Council for Early Childhood Professional Recognition.

CDEC 1016 Child Development Associate (CDA) 120 Hours

This program is tailored to instruct students on the necessary skills needed to successfully become a certified CDA associate. Students will learn practical skills based on curriculum needed to ensure success as a CDA. Students are required to maintain current First Aid/CPR certification. Course cost includes: CDA Packet and four hours of observation. Book required: Essentials, located in the Palo Alto College Bookstore. Upon completion of the program, students are eligible for certification by the Council for Early Childhood Professional Recognition after paying an assessment fee to the Council.

Food Management and Supervision

All establishments in and around Bexar County that serve food to the public must have a certified food service employee on staff to meet the Texas Department of Health, Division of Food and Drug, and the City of San Antonio ordinance for food service employees and members.

RSTO 1041 Food Service Manager Certification 15 Hours
This program includes methods of proper food storage, techniques for sanitary food service preparation, employee sanitation, pest control, accident prevention, housekeeping management, sanitation regulations and standards, and facility conditions, which contribute to outbreaks of food borne disease. Recertification is required every two years.

Substitute Teacher Training

EDTC 1002 Substitute Teacher Training 16 Hours

The role of the substitute teacher, student need identification, behavior modification, classroom management, school personnel relations, skill development in the principles of human growth, and development as related to childhood and adolescence are the topics that will be covered in this class.

Visual and Performing Arts Institute

The visual and performing arts function as a vital part of any community by exploring traditional and experimental avenues of expression and study in order to promote greater cultural awareness and dialogue. Palo Alto College offers courses in visual arts, dance and music to both college students and community members to encourage participation from all levels of interest and skill and to foster increased benefits to the greater community. Partnerships that are affiliated with this institute are Southwest School of Art and Craft and the Guadalupe Cultural Arts Center. Listed below are disciplines offered in this institute, but not limited to:


C0040 Ceramics
* No prerequisites
96 Hours
A beginning ceramics class for students with little or no experience. Students will explore a variety of hard building techniques as well as the pottery wheel, to create their own work. Instructor will provide a list of needed materials for course to students on first day of class. Students with ceramic experience are also welcome; instructor will work with students according to their level of experience. (Course materials are separate from lab fees).
D0031 Foundations of Digital Art 96 Hours
This course is an introduction to basic digital media used to create artworks using the computer. The student will be introduced to basic design ideas while also learning to operate Mac computers and to create digital images on programs such as Illustrator CS and Photoshop CS. No computer experience is needed to take this course.
D0033 Digital Photography I 96 Hours
This course is a beginning course for Digital Photography. The student will be introduced to using a digital camera, downloading and manipulating images in Photoshop CS. The student will be introduced to basic design ideas while also learning to operate Mac computers and to manage photographic images. Experience with digital cameras and Photoshop is helpful but is not needed to take this course. Students are responsible for providing their own camera.
D0034 Digital Arts II: Digital Video 96 Hours
The student will be introduced to digital video, principle styles of video work, use of digital video cameras and editing of footage on Final Cut Pro. Some experience on Mac computers is helpful but not required.
D0035 Digital Photography II 96 Hours
This course is an advanced course for Digital Photography. The student should have taken Digital Photo I or have extended experience with Photoshop. Student will provide own camera.
D0040 Drawing I 
* No prerequisites
96 Hours
A beginning drawing class for students with little or no experience.   Instructor will provide a list of needed course materials to students on first day of class. All aspects of drawing and media will be explored.
S0030 Sculpture
*No prerequisites
96 Hours
A beginning Sculpture class in which students will work with a variety of materials and techniques to create their own work. Materials may include wood, metal, clay and plaster. Little or no experience is necessary. Instructor will provide a list of needed course materials to students on first day of class. All tools will be provided by the College. (Course materials are separate from lab fees).


D0051 Capoeira I 48 Hours
Students will learn to identify and perform the basic movements of Capoeira as well as an understanding of the history, culture, and philosophy associated with this Afro-Brazilian art-form.
D0052 Ballet I   48 Hours
Students are introduced to the fundamentals of ballet technique barre, center work, and beginning combinations with an emphasis on alignment and vocabulary.
D0053 Ballet II 48 Hours
Continued instruction and participation in basic ballet technique. Students will build on classical ballet techniques learned in Ballet I including barre, center, combinations with an emphasis on alignment.
D0055 Ballet Folklorico I 48 Hours
Instruction and participation in Ballet Folklorico dance technique. This class introduces students to footwork techniques emphasizing fundamentals of body placement, vocabulary, and regional Mexican Folklorico dances. Students will develop dance combinations to enhance technical skills, memory and performance skills.
D0059 Ballet Folklorico II
Prerequisite: Ballet Folklorico I or permission of the instructor.
48 Hours
Continued and more advanced instruction and participation in Ballet Folklorico dance technique. Students will review and refine Mexican Folklorico dance skills and their understanding of composition and aesthetics.
D0058 Jazz Dance 48 Hours
Students will learn how to do jazz dance warm-up and cool-down and movement combinations with a focus on alignment, ensemble work, and musicality.
D0050 Modern Dance I 48 Hours
Students in this course will explore dance as a creative art form that develops mental and physical integrations and expressive skills. Students will practice and understand the fundamental elements of movement, structured improvisation and basic dance combination.
D0056 Modern Dance II 48 Hours
Students in this course will continue to explore dance as a creative art form that develops mental and physical integration, and aesthetic expression. Critical response skills will also be developed.
D0054 Social Dance I 48 Hours
This course will introduce the student to a variety of popular, social, and traditional social dance including Latin dances, swing, jitterbug, hip-hop and country western.
D0057 Social Dance II 48 Hours
This course will build on dance rhythms and basic forms learned in Social Dance I: popular, social, and traditional social dance including Latin dances, swing, jitterbug, hip-hop and country western with an increased emphasis on placement, partnering, rhythmic analysis and variations.


MUSP 2006 Choir Ensemble 48 Hours
The Palo Alto College Choir performs a variety of vocal music from all historical periods both on and off campus. The ensemble is open to all interested; weekly rehearsals required.
MUSP 2059 Conjunto Ensemble 48 Hours
Wanted: Tejano/Conjunto musicians, male and female, who are proficient in the button accordion, bajo sexto, bass, drums, or as vocalists. People proficient in other instruments will be considered. Conjunto Ensemble is a course that is designed to develop a performing Conjunto ensemble. A majority of the class time will be devoted to developing a Conjunto repertoire, rehearsing arrangements, performing, and possibly recording. Other aspects of Conjunto music, including its historical development, as well as its social, cultural, and symbolic significance, will be addressed.
MUSP 1001 Introduction to Mariachi 48 Hours
Learn about the origin and history of mariachi. Learn to play and sing the music of mariachi. Choose from: guitar, vihuela, guitarron, violin, and trumpet.
MUSP 1045 Jazz Ensemble 48 Hours
The Palo Alto College Jazz Ensemble performs standard jazz repertoire at local events and festivals on and off campus. Three hours per week of rehearsal is required. The ensemble is open to all interested musicians who play a jazz instrument. Some playing experience or permission of the instructor is required to join.


Online Courses

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Virtual College of Texas courses are online courses offered throughout the school year. Featured courses are: Real Estate, Re-Entry Nursing Update; and many more. For a complete listing, visit our website at: 

Real Estate

If you are interested in selling real estate in the State of Texas, you must complete six (6) real estate courses to include Principles I & II in that order. At the conclusion of each course, students are required to come to the campus to test.

RELE 1002 Real Estate Principles I 32 Hours

An overview of licensing as a real estate broker and salesperson, ethics of practice, titles to and conveyance of real estate, legal descriptions, law of agency, deeds, encumbrances and liens, distinctions between personal and real property, contracts, appraisal, finance and regulations, closing procedures, and real estate mathematics. Also includes federal, state, and local laws relating to housing discrimination, housing credit discrimination, and community reinvestment.

RELE 1039 Real Estate Principles II - Texas Specific 32 Hours

An overview of licensing as a real estate broker and salesperson, ethics of practice, titles to and conveyance of real estate, legal descriptions, law of agency, deeds, encumbrances and liens, distinctions between personal and real property, contracts, appraisal, finance and regulations; closing procedures; real estate mathematics and federal, state, and local laws relating to housing discrimination, housing credit discrimination, and community reinvestment.

RELE 1008 Real Estate Investment 32 Hours

This course studies the financing, evaluation, and management of real estate investment. Emphasis is on real estate investment characteristics, techniques of investment analysis, time-valued money, discounted investment criteria, leverage, and applications to property tax implications of owning real estate.

RELE 1012 Real Estate Contracts 32 Hours

A review of real estate contracts required by Section 6A (3) of the Real Estate License Act with emphasis on general contract law requirements. Also covers the purpose, history, and working process of the Broker-Lawyer Committee. The course includes preparation of real estate contract forms with emphasis on the most commonly used forms.

RELE 1016 Property Management 30 Hours

A study of the role of the property manager, landlord policies, operational guidelines, leases, lease negotiations, tenant relations, maintenance, reports, habitability laws, and the Fair Housing Act.

RELE 1022 Real Estate Marketing (Texas specific) 30 Hours

A study of real estate professionalism and ethics; characteristics of successful salespersons; time management; psychology of marketing; listing procedures; advertising; negotiating and closing financing; and the deceptive trade practice act, consumer protection act, and commercial code.

RELE 2002 Law of Agency (Texas specific) 30 Hours

A study of law of agency including principal-agent and master-servant relationships, the authority of an agent, the termination of an agent’s authority, the fiduciary and other duties of an agent, employment law, deceptive trade practices, listing or buying procedures, and the disclosure of an agency.

RELE 2031 Real Estate Brokerage 32 Hours

A study of law of agency, planning and organization, operational policies and procedures, recruiting, selection and training of personnel, records and control, and real estate firm analysis and expansion criteria.

RELE 1029 Fundamentals of Environmental Issues 32 Hours

Fundamentals of Environmental Issues
This course is a study of environmental issues affecting the real estate industry including hazardous substances, underground storage tanks, and wetlands.


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Accounting Payroll Clerk Certificate
The Accounting Payroll Clerk Certificate is a two-course module designed for individuals who are interested in preparing payroll or who would like to learn a portion of accounting. Trainees will have the opportunity to prepare an actual payroll register while learning the processes involved with local and federal tax laws, ledgers, special journals, and employer/employee deductions and contributions.  This training offers 120 hours of intense payroll training in 12 weeks for $800.  Upon successful completion, students will gain the experience and hands-on training to prepare payroll in its entirety.  Financial aid is available for those who qualify.  Students seeking financial assistance are encouraged to submit all paperwork to Student Financial Services promptly, as it takes 4-6 weeks to process (  Course modules are as follows:

ACNT 1013 Computerized Accounting

56 Hours

This course is designed to teach students the software that is utilized in preparing automated payroll.  Students will be introduced to concepts, payroll tasks and journal entry for payroll, inventory, accounts payable, accounts receivable, employee records and payroll financial statements.  Students will learn to create and input employee records, employee earnings and deductions, and employer deductions.  Computer literacy is not required for this course.

ACNT 1029 Payroll Records & Procedures 64 Hours

This course is designed to teach students the tax tables, laws and regulations of preparing payroll, federal and state tax reports and returns, and the complete payroll register.  Students will have the opportunity to train and learn what accountabilities are regulated on the employer and what accountabilities are regulated on employees.  Upon successful completion of this course, the student will have a true understanding of all the legalities in standardized payroll accountability.

Business Computer Applications
The following course is designed to offer individuals the opportunity to receive hands-on training, upgrade computer skills, learn the special features that software packages offer, and increase speed and accuracy.  In today’s workforce it is highly recommended that individuals be proficient with software applications that will be used daily to complete immediate job requirements.  Our goal and focus is to grow individual proficiency within each software application and to increase skills, abilities, and productivity that will help establish new technical initiatives when completing projects, reports, and presentations.  Students must attend 80 percent of the course successfully in order to receive a certificate of completion.  Textbook required.

ITSC 1022 Microsoft Office 2007 Essentials 40 Hours
ITSC 1012 Welcome to the Word of Computers 20 Hours

Do you have a computer at home but don’t know how to use it or turn it on?  Have you been out of the workforce and are ready to go back but feel you don’t have enough computer skills?  With the fast growing pace in technology, we strive to offer our community a course that will teach people to use a computer and fully understand its functions and features.  This course is ideal for individuals who want to learn how to operate a computer and how it is used in today’s business environment.  Upon successful completion, students will gain the knowledge and hands-on training that can be applied to any job setting.  Textbook required. 

Customer Service
As businesses continue to experience growth and intriguing competition with other similar businesses, it is very important to offer the best customer service available to clients, associates, vendors, and customers.  This training is customized to assist businesses and their employees to learn the concepts that will help increase a company’s image and reputation.  Effective customer service results in growth of sales.  Individuals will learn the five C’s in customer service, the model to increase repeat customers, techniques to incorporate company policies and procedures with customer service, how to offer better internal customer service within departments and much more. 

BUSG 1005 Customer Service 50 Hours
BUSG 1005 Customer Service 15 Hours
BUSG 1005 Customer Service 8 Hours

English for the Workplace
The English For the Workplace Program consists of four sessions. These sessions are designed to offer students the tools necessary in English reading, writing, vocabulary, grammar, listening and speaking skills for the workplace. Students are tested prior to the start of each course to learn the area of focus per student. All students are required to complete an additional eight hours of open entry-open exit lab per week. This training is ideal for individuals whose primary language is one other than English; and who would like to learn to speak conversational English in a short period of time. The goal is for students who complete this training to become better English communicators in the workforce.

COMG 1005 Intensive English 80 Hours

Office Support Assistant Certificate

This certificate is for individuals who desire to work in an office environment but need additional skills to succeed. This training will teach the preliminary skills required in most business offices and will offer the adequate amount of workforce training that will help increase job productivity and establish proficiency. This certificate is designed to prepare individuals to work as office clerks, receptionists, in-take personnel, administrative assistants and entrepreneurs. This certificate is ideal for individuals who wish to manage their own business administratively.    This certificate will offer students the opportunity to learn, train, and prepare for job entry. Students will study and succeed in the following featured areas of concentration:

•     Business Communication             •   Keyboarding
•     Business Etiquette                         •   Microsoft Office 2007 Essentials
•     Business Math                               •   Resume Writing
•     Critical Thinking                            •   Time Management
•     Customer Service                         •   The Art of Interviewing        

Upon successful completion, students will earn a certificate of completion and will be able to work independently in most office environments with speed and accuracy.

POFT 1093 Office Support Assistant Certificate 90 Hours

Web-Multimedia Design
The Web-Multimedia Design Program is designed for individuals employed as web design specialists or who want to pursue a technical career in web design and multimedia. The program provides an array of software training focusing on cutting-edge web design tools and trends. As technology creates new avenues for business and marketing communications, the demand for skilled employees able to leverage this technology steadily rises. This program is ideal for those seeking to enhance current skills, to be employed by the leading organizations in web design, or to develop web page consulting businesses.

IMED 1002 Website Building I – Graphic Design and Images 12 Hours
IMED 1040 Website Building II – Website Design and Layout 12 Hours
ITNW 2036 Website Building III – Website Construction 12 Hours

Medical Front Office

The Medical Front Office training will prepare you to have the most current industry knowledge, skills and self-confidence to increase the productivity and profitability of any business or organization in the medical field.  This eight-course certificate offers 345 hours of intense training.  All courses must be completed in the order listed below to receive full credit in this program.

Classes will meet Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. at Palo Alto College.  Students are responsible for purchasing the required textbooks for this program.  This program qualifies for Financial Aid.  You will train in the following areas:

TECM Basic Skills 20 Hours
POFT 1010 Keyboarding 20 Hours
ITSC 1009

Microsoft Office Essentials 2007

100 Hours
POFT 1018 Records Management 20 Hours
BUSG 1005 Customer Service 30 Hours
HITT 1005 Medical Terminology 40 Hours
POFM 1000 Medical Coding 95 Hours
POFT 1006 Job Readiness 20 Hours



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Environmental, Occupational Health and Safety Programs
This coursework is designed to offer individuals the opportunity to learn the regulations, policies and procedures of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) required by certain occupations. Our coursework includes the laws, requirements and codes necessary for the handling of hazardous substances in the workplace. We also provide safety coursework for the general and construction industry that focuses on hazard identification, avoidance, control and prevention in the workplace.

Topics covered can include: Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response, Electrical Safety, Blood Borne Pathogens Awareness, Hazardous Materials Transportation, Hazard Communication, Emergency Preparedness, MSDS Program, and more.

EPCT 1053 40-Hour HAZWOPER 40 Hours

This course is designed to satisfy the minimum regulatory requirements of 29 CFR 1910.120(e)(3)(i) by providing the initial training necessary for general site workers at hazardous waste/hazardous materials sites or emergency response personnel who expect to encounter hazardous or potentially hazardous work conditions, including situations that require respiratory protection as defined by the OSHA hazardous waste operations and emergency response (HAZWOPER) guidelines.

EPCT 1053 24-Hour HAZWOPER 24 Hours

This course is designed to satisfy the minimum regulatory requirements of 29 CFR 1910.120(e)(3)(ii-iii) by providing the initial training necessary for regular/occasional workers at hazardous waste/hazardous materials sites or emergency response personnel who expect to encounter hazardous or potentially hazardous work conditions but do not encounter conditions or situations that require respiratory protection as defined by the OSHA hazardous waste operations and emergency response (HAZWOPER) guidelines.

EPCT 1059 8-Hour HAZWOPER Refresher 8 Hours

This course is designed to satisfy the minimum regulatory requirements of 29 CFR 1910.120(e)(8) by providing the annual refresher training necessary for all workers at hazardous waste/hazardous materials sites or emergency response personnel who encounter hazardous or potentially hazardous work conditions, as defined by the OSHA hazardous waste operations and emergency response (HAZWOPER) guidelines.

EPCT 1023 Hazardous Waste Management Update 8 Hours

This course will provide current information concerning regulatory revisions and new technology applications in hazardous waste management. We will review the basic terms used in environmental compliance, soil-testing, water-testing, toxicology, and hazardous materials. This is a good course for professionals who are not familiar with these terms and their interpretations. Students who could benefit from this class are commercial and residential developers, excavators and builders.

EPCT 2004 Hazardous Materials Transport 8 Hours

A course in the transport of hazardous materials and dangerous goods to meet the requirements of the U.S. Department of Transportation Title 49 C.F.R, Sub Part H, Sections 172.700-172.704, commonly referred to as Docket HM-126F.

OSHT 1015 OSHA Regulations - Construction Industry 10-30 Hours

This course emphasizes hazard identification, avoidance, control and prevention in the workplace. OSHA policies, procedures, and standards from Title 29 C.F.R. Part 1926 are covered as well as general industry safety and health principles. This coursework may be customized to a specific work site as needed. Upon completion of this course, a wallet card and certificate will be issued.

OSHT 1015 OSHA Regulations - General Industry 10-30 Hours

This course is a study of Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) regulations pertinent to general industry. Students will identify the OSHA regulation information from Title 29 C.F.R. Part 1910. This course emphasizes hazard identification, avoidance, control and prevention in the workplace. OSHA policies, procedures, and standards are covered as well as general industry safety and health principles. Upon completion of this course, a wallet card and certificate will be issued.

Industrial Automation Training

Automated Manufacturing Training Program
The Manufacturing & Industrial Technology program is a multi-disciplinary program designed to prepare students for technician-level positions and/or to increase knowledge base. Specialty areas allow students to choose an emphasis in industrial maintenance. Skills are acquired through lectures, demonstrations, hands-on experience and individual evaluations.

Lab activities include the use of modern equipment and techniques currently found in industry. Safety equipment and the safe use of tools and materials are integrated into each course in the curriculum. This training provides a foundation for any student to enter the workforce and continue skill enhancement.

Graduates are prepared to perform many functions including set-up, troubleshooting, processing and quality control. This requires proficiency in mathematics, practical problem solving and analysis.

ELMT 1091

Introduction to Industrial Training

8 Hours

Provides a sampling of applied mathematics, AC/DC circuits with basic motor control, intro to basic hydraulics/pneumatics and fundamental practical problem solving techniques. Emphasis is placed on direction of career path and suitability of the student to be a successful candidate in the industrial maintenance technology field.

Industrial Technician Certification

EEIR 1001 Math for Electronic Technicians 48 Hours

An applied mathematics course with emphasis on the numbering systems, calculations and problem solving skills needed to solve for electronic circuit parameters. Schematic and electronic terminologies are introduced.

Math Fundamentals: Reviews general math, basic algebra, and nominal trigonometry. Perform calculations involving whole numbers, fractions, exponents, logarithms, roots, percentages, radicals, and averages, basic trigonometry; demonstrate the ability to apply Ohm’s and Watt’s law.

Metric Conversions: Fundamentals, Length, Area, and Volume Conversions Mass: Units and Conversions Time: Units and Conversions Temperature: Units and Conversions Pressure and Torque. Reviews the International System of Units (Metrics) and how to convert to other systems. This includes three dimensional units, mass, time, temperature, pressure, and torque.

DFTG 1022 Technical Drawing - Basic Blueprint Reading 40 Hours

Emphasis on accurate/efficient interpretation of symbols/graphic language required to produce working drawings. Gives basic instruction for creating electronics drawings. Begins with general topics such as electronics terms, electronics symbols, and component descriptions and reference designations. Students progress into specific applications, including wiring, cabling, harnesses and component enclosures. Gives a basic understanding of mechanical drawing practices so the student can properly interpret blueprints. This includes threads, gears, and surface texture notations view and sectioning conventions, dimensioning practices, tolerance as a method of control, related elements, and interpreting special applications.

CETT 1003 Electricity 1 - DC Circuits 64 Hours

A study of the fundamentals of direct current including Ohm’s law, Kirchhoff’s laws and circuit analysis techniques. Emphasis is on circuit analysis of resistive networks and DC voltage measurements. Gives a foundation in Direct Current (DC) Circuits and how voltage, current, resistance, and power all relate in circuits. DC motors are also introduced in this course.

CETT 1005 Electricity 2 - AC Circuits 64 Hours
  *Prerequisite: Electricity 1 - DC Circuits (CETT 1003)  

A study of the fundamentals of alternating current including series and parallel AC circuits, phasors, capacitive and inductive networks, transformers, and resonance. Gives a foundation in Alternating Current (AC) Circuits to include capacitance, inductance, three phase power, diodes, filters, and AC motors.

ELMT 1005 Pneumatics/Hydraulics - Basic Fluid Power 80 Hours
  Prerequisites:  Math for Electronic Technicians (EEIR 1001) Recommended  

Basic fluid power course covering vacuum systems, pneumatic and hydraulic systems, fluid power symbols, operating theory, components, and basic electrical and manual controls. Hydraulics – Introduces hydraulic concepts of mechanical control of cylinders, valves, etc., that are used in manufacturing. This control includes the physics and formulas necessary to troubleshoot these systems in industry. Pneumatics – Carries the hydraulic concepts further to include that of compressible fluids and how compressibility affects the mechanical systems.

Industrial/Troubleshooting Technician Certification

INTC 1057 Sequence Circuitry - AC/DC Motor Control 80 Hours

The fundamental study of electric motors, characteristics with emphasis on starting, speed control, and braking systems. Introduces motor control devices common to a modern industrial environment, including , but not limited to, jogging (inching) circuits, braking circuits, electronic control circuits, reduced voltage starting systems and proximity switches.

CETT 1015 Electronic Equipment Controls - Digital Applications  
  Prerequisites:  INTC Sequence Circuitry - AC/DC Motor Control  

An entry-level course in digital electronics covering number systems, binary mathematics, digital codes, logic gates, Boolean algebra, Karnaugh maps, and combinational logic. Emphasis is placed on circuit logic analysis, circuit reductions, holding circuits, timing charts, sequential ladder logic, anti-repeat circuits, and discrete sensors and troubleshooting digital circuits.

ELMT 2037 Electronic Troubleshooting, Service, and Repair*  
  Prerequisites:  INTC 1057 Sequence Circuitry - AC/DC Motor Control;  
  CETT 1025 Electronic Equipment Controls - Digital Fundamentals  

In-depth coverage of electronic systems, maintenance, troubleshooting, and repair. Topics include symptom identification, proper repair procedures, repair checkout, and preventative maintenance. Emphasis is placed on safety and proper use of test equipment. Utilizes all of the concepts and skills taught throughout the entire Industrial Technician training, and requires the student to work under similar situations that might be found in industry. It also introduces the practical problem techniques which are used to quickly and safely troubleshoot to the faulty component. 

*May be offered as a capstone course.

PLC Certification

ELMT 1001 PLC 1 - Programmable Logic Controllers 96 Hours

An introduction to programmable logic controllers as used in industrial environments including basic concepts, programming, applications, troubleshooting of ladder logic, and interfacing of equipment. Basic fundamentals of the Toyopuc PLC to include basic instructions, parameter settings, hardware components, circuit creation, sequential flow control, and function block programming.

ELMT 1001 PLC 2 - Programmable Logic Controllers 80 Hours
  *Prerequisites:  ELMT 1001 Programmable Logic Controllers I (PLCI)

An introduction to programmable logic controllers as used in industrial environments including basic concepts, programming, applications, troubleshooting of ladder logic, and interfacing of equipment. This course introduces the Allen-Bradley 5000 PLC to include RSLinx, basic configuration, tags, Panel View, communication, ControlNet, DeviceNet, and Industry Programming Standards.

ELMT 2039 PLC 3 - Advanced Programmable Logic Controllers 30 Hours
  *Prerequisites:  PLC 1 and PLC 2 (ELMT 1001)  

Advanced applications of programmable logic controllers as used in industrial environments including concepts of programming, industrial applications, troubleshooting ladder logic, and interfacing to equipment.

Information Technology

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CompTIA Certification Program
The Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) A+ certification has become the industry standard for skills needed by computer support professionals in today’s fast-paced information technology environment. Palo Alto’s CompTIA A+ certification training program will give you everything you need to know to get this valuable, internationally recognized certification. The program features extensive, hands-on training in both hardware and software aspects of computer support. By the end of the program students will acquire all the necessary skills and knowledge to pass the CompTIA A+ Certification test.

CPMT 2050 A+ Computer Certification Training 63 Hours

Computer support professionals must have expertise in all aspects of desktop personal computer hardware. This course will focus on defining and identifying the various hardware and software components in a desktop system and how to diagnose hardware issues. Students will also study best practice configurations, preventive maintenance techniques, and have ample opportunity to perform hardware installation, configuration and troubleshooting. Training prepares individuals to pass the Software and Operating Systems Section of the CompTIA A+ certification exam.

ITNW 2051 Network+ Certification Training 24 Hours

The first step in preparing for a career as a Network Engineer in the Information Technology support industry, this course includes the various responsibilities and tasks required for a service engineer to successfully perform in a specific environment. Students will learn how to identify and define terminology, hardware, and software components of computer networks; utilize equipment, protocols, and topologies to differentiate between various network systems; demonstrate skills in installing network hardware, software, and cable; troubleshoot network connectivity; configure network protocol; and install and configure network client software. Prepares individuals to pass the CompTIA Network+ certification exam.

ITSY 1091 Security+ Certification Training 51 Hours

Students will receive instruction in security for network hardware, software, and data, including physical security; backup procedures; relevant tools; encryption; and protection from viruses. The course will discuss the physical security of file servers and other network components using NIST Guidelines and Best Practices; teach students how to develop backup procedures to provide for data security; use network operating system features to implement network security; discuss the nature of computer and network threats and vulnerabilities and methods to prevent their effects; use relevant tools to provide for network security; and use encryption techniques to protect network data. Prepares individuals to pass the CompTIA Security+ certification exam.

ITNW 2054 Server+ Certification Training                                                                                 66 Hours

CompTIA Server+ validates the knowledge and skills of advanced IT technicians.  It is an international, vendor-neutral certification for individuals with 18-24 months of experience with Industry Standard Server Architecture (ISSA) technology.  CompTIA Server+ certifies technical knowledge in areas such as RAID, SCSI and multiple CPUs, as well as capabilities with server issues, including disaster recovery.  Although not a prerequisite, it is recommended that CompTIA Server+ candidates hold a CompTIA A+ certification.  Prepares individuals to pass the CompTIA Server+ certification exam.

Help Desk Support and Customer Service
This certificate can help you hone your customer service skills to get you the extra edge when it comes to securing your position.

ITSC 1008 Help Desk Support for Operating Systems Service Skills 12 Hours

Students will learn fundamental customer support concepts for personal computer users. Learn basic troubleshooting techniques that will help you diagnose and isolate software and hardware problems, re-imaging hard drives, updating drivers, and isolating hardware bugs.

ITSC 1044 Help Desk Support Customer Service Skills 12 Hours

Students will learn fundamental customer support concepts for the operation of a help desk or call center including effective communication, customer service principles, troubleshooting, and solution-oriented techniques. Students will learn to apply basic principles of effective business communication, customer service principles, troubleshooting, and problem solution techniques; and communicate software technical information via telephone.

CSIR 1003 Basic Cable and Telecommunications         51 Hours

The Basic Cable and Telecommunications program at Palo Alto College is designed for students interested in the physical aspects of voice and data network cabling and installation.  The course focuses on cabling issues related to data and voice connections and provides an understanding of the industry and its worldwide standards, types of media and cabling, physical and logical networks, as well as signal transmission.  The program includes network design documentation, part list set up and purchase, pulling and mounting cable, cable management, crafting wiring closets and patch panel installation and termination as well as installing jacks and cable testing.  Also included are modules on soft skills such as customer service and sales, on-the-job safety, and industry regulations.

New Upcoming Programs

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Loan Processor
This curriculum provides training for the fundamental principles of bank loan processing.  This includes providing training in critical areas of bank loan processing such as loan applications, underwriting, debt ratios (ability-to-pay calculations), background investigations, salary calculation, loan auditing, loan closing credit report analysis, credit investigation, personal finance, auto finance, sale finance, mortgage finance and bank loans. The curriculum of courses is designed to provide students with training on bank loan processing principles and practices.

Industrial Automation Courses

PLCs for Non-Programmers
This course is an introductory course aimed at multi-skilled maintenance technicians, electricians, or other non-programmers who need a general understanding of PLCs.

Introduction to VFDs
This course is designed for persons requiring general knowledge and understanding of Variable Frequency Drives.

Electrical Troubleshooting & Preventive Maintenance
This course is a hands-on course providing training on some of the most commonly performed electrical troubleshooting tasks.

Electrical Drawings, Diagrams, and Schematics
This course is designed to teach/refresh students in how to use Boolean algebra, how to read and write electrical symbols, gate logic, and digital ladder logic.

Preventive Maintenance Techniques for Facility and Industrial Maintenance
This course is targeted to maintenance technicians to teach them how to anticipate or catch a problem before it occurs.

Electrical Safety and Arc Flash Protection
This is an NEC-based course identifying and providing solutions for working around electrical systems and equipment.

Basic Electricity for the Non-Electrician
This is a basic electricity class with hands-on training on test equipment, wiring techniques, and personal protection equipment.


Logistics & Warehousing
A demand occupation course that offers study in introduction to logistics, forklift operation, electronic ID and barcoding, equipment, shipping and physical inventory, warehouse security, workplace safety and hazardous materials transportation. The Logistics and warehousing graduate will gain skills required for jobs in material management, forklift operation and inventory control.

Workforce Ready
This course is designed for individuals seeking to become better employees and get ahead by developing their personal skills such as time management, team building, customer service and communication skills.  This course also develops foundation skills using basic skills in reading, writing, math, decision-making and problem solving.