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    Palo Alto College
  Feb 09, 2025
Palo Alto College Schedule/Catalog 2015-2016 
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Palo Alto College Schedule/Catalog 2015-2016 [Archived Catalog]

PAC Registration Tips


• Getting Started

• Most Frequently Asked Questions

• Where Can i Get … ?

• Where Can I Go For Help?

Getting Started is as Easy!


The Welcome Advising Center is your first stop and “link for success.”  If you have questions about any aspect of the registration process, contact the Center at 486-3100 or visit us in Palomino Center, Room 103.




  • Complete and submit your admission application by viewing the tutorial at the following website 
  • In order to complete the ApplyTexas application, you will need a valid email address.
  • If you are considering applying for Financial Aid, your Social Security number will be required. 



  • First Time In College students (FTIC) must submit an official high school transcript or official GED test scores to Admissions and Records.
  • Official high school transcript must be sealed or sent electronically by the high school.
  • Submit a final official transcript that includes the high school graduation date before the end of your first semester





  • Students under 22 years of age must submit evidence of receiving a bacterial meningitis vaccination or booster dose during the five year period prior to enrollment to Admissions and Records.
  • The law allows for few exceptions. You may obtain additional information at:     



  • In order to test with Alamo Colleges, you must complete the GO FAARR and TEST PREP Modules in ACES.
  • Once you have received your letter from Alamo Colleges with your ACES information, visit and click on How do I get my username and password? 
  • Login to ACES 
  • Open Start Here tab
  • Click on each ENROLL button to access the Go FAARR and Test Prep modules to begin the AlamoENROLL requirements



  • Information on the placement exam is available at
  • After you complete the TSI Assessment, you will need to see an advisor for post-assessment advising.
  • During post-assessment advising, you will receive your scores and an advisor will help you determine if you need to enroll in a refresher course.
  • Test scores for SAT and ACT cannot be older than 5 years.
  • Exit Level TAKS, TSI, Asset, and THEA cannot be older than 5 years.



  • Refresher courses are FREE and give you the opportunity to save time and money!
  • The refresher courses give you a second opportunity to move into a higher developmental course or a college-level course, and refresher courses are only required for students who do not place at college level on the TSI exam.
  • You will be scheduled for refresher courses during post-assessment advising.



  • You must register for on-campus New Student Orientation to receive information about valuable campus resources.
  • You will also receive academic advising assistance which will allow you to register for courses!
  • The above eight steps MUST be completed prior to registering for New Student Orientation, and a staff member will verify completion before registration for NSO.
  • Students may register for New Student Orientation by visiting the Welcome Advising Center (Palomino Center 103) or by calling 210.486.3100.



  • Account summary can be viewed through ACES (Student Tab>Web Services>Student & Financial Aid>Student Account).
  • Tuition bills will not be mailed.
  • Tuition payment must be made via credit card or check via your ACES account.
  • Cash payments are accepted at the Business Office in the Palomino Center.
  • Payment in full or by installments must be made by the payment deadlines, or you will be dropped from your classes.

STEP 10:


  • There is a connection between attendance, classroom participation, and good grades.
  • Your first week of class, especially the first day, provides you with important information for the rest of the semester.
  • The Alamo Colleges requires regular and punctual attendance in all classes. Your absences are recorded immediately.
  • Fall 2014: If you DO NOT attend on the FIRST DAY of each class in which you are enrolled, you will be DROPPED from the class.  

STEP 11:


VIA BusPasses: 

  • VIA bus passes are available for students during the Fall and Spring semesters for $35.00. A VALID COLLEGE STUDENT PICTURE ID is required. VIA Bus Passes may be purchased on-campus at the Business Office. Continuing Education students must contact the VIA Metropolitan office to obtain a bus pass.

Parking Permits: 

  • Parking Permits may be purchased during on-campus registration or at the Business Office throughout the semester. Students and employees are eligible to purchase a Parking Decal/Tag. Exceptions are authorized through the President’s Office (Article IV of the Parking and Traffic Rules and Regulations).
  • Parking decals will be $50.00 per vehicle. With three or more vehicles, proof of car insurance is required.
  • A Vehicle Registration Form must be completed and the full tuition payment must be paid, prior to receiving a parking permit. Note: License plate number is required on the Vehicle Registration Form.
  • Each student parking on the campus must have a parking permit.

Student ID: 
Contact the Testing Center to obtain your new student ID once your tuition bill has been paid.


Most Frequently Asked Questions


 Is there an orientation course for new students?  Do I have to take it?
Yes, Palo Alto College requires all students entering the college with fewer than 15 college level credit hours to enroll in a Student Development course and/or a Learning Frameworks course.  Two courses, SDEV 0170: College Success and EDUC 1300/PSYC 1300: Foundations for College Learning, satisfy this requirement. The course includes strategies every student needs to be successful in college - time management, test-taking, critical thinking, stress management, learning strategies, career decisions, tips on student rights and responsibilities, and assistance with declaring a major and course advisement for the subsequent semester.

What is the difference between an orientation course and orientation required for Internet and telecourses?
The orientation course requirement is fulfilled by the SDEV 0170 or 0370.  The Internet courses and telecourses require students to email their instructors, access a website, or attend a meeting on campus.  Follow the specific instructions listed under the course and section in which you are enrolled.

Where can I register by computer?
New, transfer and former students will be registered through the Group Advisement process or New Student Orientation.  Once you have been advised, you may register by using any computer with access to the Internet.  The college recommends that you use the Internet since it allows you to print your schedule and a tuition bill.  The Welcome Advising Center (Palomino Center, Room 103) provides computers you can use and staff who are available to assist you.

Who is my counselor/advisor?  Can I see a counselor if I have some general questions to ask first?
Students who have questions about the registration process and do not know where to begin can go to the Welcome Advising Center in the Palomino Center, Room 103 or call 486-3100.  As a general rule, advisors see new students.  Counselors see transfer and former students and students on financial aid suspension, academic probation and academic dismissal.  Faculty advisors see currently enrolled students who are declared majors with over 30 credit hours.  In order to better serve students and cut down on wait time, students who are seeking advisement are usually seen by appointment or at a scheduled group advisement session.  Currently enrolled students should check with their respective major to determine how advisement is being conducted.  A list of faculty advisors is available.  Students are encouraged to visit other student support services departments for specific information.
What is my ACES User Name and Password?

When using the online registration system at, you can access information about your username and password. You can also call 210-486-3777 for assistance.


Will someone help me fill out my FAFSA?  Can I apply for financial aid at anytime during the semester and what if I do not qualify for any assistance?
Yes, the Student Financial Services Office will assist you in completing your FAFSA.  The college encourages students to submit their application online through  Computers and staff are available in the Welcome Advising Center to assist you in completing FAFSA online.  Priority time to apply for a FAFSA is May 1 for Fall applicants and November 1 for Spring applicants If you apply after that time, you must make arrangements to make your tuition and fees payment by other means because any financial aid you receive may arrive after the payment deadline.

A student can still apply for the FAFSA after the semester has already started to determine if they are eligible for Pell reimbursement.  If a student does not qualify for a Pell grant, then the student can inquire with the Student Financial Services Office about information regarding other available grants, federal work-study, student loans and scholarships.  Summer applications are separate and available on April 1.  To avoid being dropped from your classes, be prepared to make other payment arrangements (i.e., out of pocket) before the tuition payment deadline.

Institutional and external scholarships are available through numerous sources.  The first step should be to check with PAC’s Student Financial Services Office and the Center for Academic Transitions for scholarships and deadlines.  You can also check with other resources such as high school, employer, clubs and organizations, and the Minnie Stevens Piper Foundation.  Information is available on the PAC website at

When do I have to pay?
Payment information is located in the Registration Link on the left navigation bar.  Pay close attention - your registration is cancelled if you do not meet the deadline.  Several payment options are available.

Students may pay online by credit card.  Those wishing to pay in person must see the Bursar’s Office in the Palomino Center.  Students seeking financial aid should work directly with Student Financial Services to determine eligibility, award amount and payment status.

Where Can I Get … ?


 … a campus map
Campus map is located online.

… a catalog?
A catalog contains policies, regulations, procedures, and course content.   It contains prerequisites and other requirements to enroll in a course.  A catalog is available on the College’s website at  No printed copies are available for students.

… a copy of my bill?
Bills can be accessed online through your ACES account.  The Welcome Advising Center can help you locate and print your bill.

…  a copy of my transcript?
A student may request a transcript online through the ACES account by clicking on the Student tab. 

A request to have a transcript sent to another college or university may be ordered by filling out the online transcript request available through the ACES website.

…  a copy of my schedule?
Copies of schedules can be obtained online through your ACES account or in the Welcome Advising Center (Palomino Center, Room 103).

… a student bus card?
Student Discount Bus IDs are available starting the first week of the semester in the Bursar Office in the Palomino Center. 

…  a degree plan?
Degree  and transfer plans are available online.

… my textbooks for classes?
Textbooks and supplies are available at the Palo Alto College bookstore in the Student Center, area bookstores and online through various websites.  Be sure you are purchasing the correct book and edition for the course and section in which you are enrolled.  
… access to computers to use for my class assignments?
The Ozuna Library & Academic Center has working labs where students are able to access e-mail, type and print papers, work on Internet classes, and more.

…  childcare? Are there childcare tuition scholarships?

The Ray Ellison Family Center is the on-site child care program for the Palo Alto College community.  It is accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children.  Care is provided for children ages 21 months to 5 years of age.  Flexible schedules are available.  Hours of operation are Monday-Friday from 7:30 a.m. until 5:30 p.m.  (Open Monday-Thursday only during summer sessions.) Teachers are trained and certified in the field of Early Childhood Education or related fields as well as First Aid/CPR.  Enrollment is on a semester basis.  Limited financial assistance is available for students; applications are available at the Center and must be submitted each semester.  For more information call (210) 486-3500 or visit our website:

Where Can I Go for Help?


We’re here to help!  Information is only a click away!  Students are encouraged to access additional information through the Palo Alto College website at

WELCOME ADVISING CENTER - Palomino Center, Room 103, 486-3100
•    Your first stop for new student information and registration assistance
•    Referrals to all Palo Alto College programs and services
•    Online FAFSA assistance with appointment
•    Online at:

CAREER SERVICES - Center for Academic Transitions, Student Center Room 101,  486-3131
•    Your questions about careers can be answered through Career Services.

CHILDCARE - REFC, 486-3500
•    The Ray Ellison Family Center provides on-campus child care services for children 21 months to 5 years old.  
•    Flexible schedules and fees are available.  
•    Students with children enrolled in the Ray Ellison Family Center may qualify for financial assistance.  
•    Applications are available at the Center and must be submitted each semester.
•    Visit us on the web at
COUNSELING CENTER - Counseling & Support Services Center, 486-3333.
•    Confidential and professional academic, career and personal counseling
•    Student advising for transfer and former students with over 30 semester hours in addition to those on academic probation, academic dismissal and/or financial aid suspension.
•    For additional information and services visit the website:

DISABILITY SUPPORT SERVICES - Palomino Center, Room 116, 486-3020 / TTY, 486-3022
•     Documentation of disability and an intake evaluation appointment are required prior to approval of accommodations for placement testing and classroom accommodations.
•     Begin the process EARLY!  Process can take 2 - 3 weeks.
•     Information & forms at


The main purpose of federal and state financial aid is to help students go to college even if they do not have the financial means to
afford tuition and fees. The first step is to apply.  You can apply for financial aid by completing and submitting a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) form at any point during the academic year.  We do however encourage students to apply soon after the prior year’s income tax has been filed, and before the application deadline. Careful planning can ensure that any financial aid eligibility you may have can be processed in time for the start of the semester you will attend.  Once you apply Financial Aid will communicate application status to you through your Alamo Colleges email, but you can check your application status anytime through your ACES portal. For more detailed information about financial aid programs and the application process please visit the Financial Aid website.

INTERNATIONAL STUDENT SERVICES- Welcome Advising Center, Palomino Center, Room 103, 210-486-3100
•    Please visit our office to learn more about the admission process for international students

A list of required documentation is available on the web at

JOB RESOURCES - Center for Academic Transitions, Student Center Room 101, 486-3131
•    Workstudy placement assistance
•    Job placement assistance
•    Job Fair information and internship information
•    Resume writing assistance
•    Mock interviews

LIBRARY - Ozuna Building, 486-3555
•    Access to library materials and databases
•    Information Resource Certificate program (free)
•    Information Concourse (computing resources for PAC students)

•    Advisement on the formation of clubs/student organizations
•    Promotion of student involvement in campus governance
•    Development of interpersonal and leadership skills
•    Scheduling and planning of special events on campus
•    Budget advisement for club funding
•    Assistance in event planning
•    Responsible for on-campus posting
•    Issues discount bus cards
•    Early alert
•    Community resources
•    Provides information on health and wellness
•    Oversight of the Student Services Fee Advisory Committee

Student Support Services Program/ TRiO - Palomino Center, Room 116, 486-3180
•    Are you a first-generation college student, low-income, or do you have a disability? 
•    Check out the Student Support Services Program/ TRiO at
•    Personal, academic, career, and financial counseling and advisement with specialized program  counselors

CAMPUS RECREATION - Natatorium,  Room 110, 486-3800
•     Intramurals
•     Extramurals
•     Swim Lessons
•     Adult Lap Swim
•     Community Open Swim
•     Recreational Activities & Sports
•     For a complete listing of sports and activities, come by Room 101 in the Fitness Center.

SCHOLARSHIP SUPPORT SERVICES - Center for Academic Transitions, Room 100A, 210-486-3117
•    Provide information on various scholarship opportunities available to students
•    Assist with scholarship applicants
•    For more scholarship info, click on

TESTING CENTER - Brazos Hall, Room 100, 486-3444
•    A list of exams offered and links to sample questions are available on the web at

TRANSFER SERVICES - Center for Academic Transitions, Student Center, Room 101, 486-3131
•     Transfer fairs/transfer advisement
•     College bulletins, agreements, publications
•     Degree audits
•     Weekly individual college recruiter on-site visits
•     Special out-of-state program with University of Northern Iowa (12 years) and Iowa visit
•     Over 20 articulation and 2+2 agreements with a wide variety of local, state & national universities
•     University visits
•     Referral for scholarship opportunities
•     For links to great transfer resources, click on


Math Learning Center - Gutierrez Learning Labs 106, 486-3273

We help students succeed in their math classes!
•    Tutoring is provided by  Academic Program Specialist and peer tutors.
•    Tutoring is provided on a walk-in basis.
•    Course reviews are provided for remedial math and College Algebra classes to prepare for tests and final exams.

Monthly Question & Answer sessions are available on a variety of topics.
•    Math Learning Center also provides handouts on many math concepts that students can take with them..
•    Provides calculator workshops upon instructor or student requests.
•    Students have computer/Internet access to complete math coursework.
•    Calculator lending program available for students enrolled in 0303 Intermediate Algebra or above while supplies last.
•    Visit us at

Science Learning Center - Frio Hall 111, 486-3281, and Brazos Hall 126, 486-3232
We help students succeed in their science classes!
•    Tutoring on a walk-in basis by Instructional Specialists and Tutors.
•    Science models & materials.
•    Students have computer/Internet access to complete science coursework.

Course reviews are provided to prepare for tests and final exams.

Monthly Question & Answer sessions are available on a variety of topics.
•    Practice lab exams.
•    Find us at

Writing Assistance Center - Gutierrez Learning Labs 102 and 104, 486-3257
We help students succeed in their writing assignments!
•    Individual tutoring provided by an Academic Program Specialist and writing tutors.
•    Assistance available for writing assignments from any course.
•    Tutoring sessions are by appointment or on a walk-in basis.
•    Assistance via email may be coordinated.

Students have computer/Internet access to complete writing assignments.

Course reviews are provided for remedial and college-level English to prepare for final exams.

 Monthly Question & Answer sessions are available on a variety of topics.
•    Reference manuals and writing resources are available.
•    Visit us at

VETERANS AFFAIRS - Palomino Center, Room 111, 486-3111
•     Students using VA educational benefits or the Hazlewood Exemptions must be CERTIFIED EACH SEMESTER.
•     Submit a class schedule to the V.A. Office as soon as you have registered.
•     Veterans must be prepared to pay tuition and fees until benefits are approved.
•     Additional information is provided at